Judith Kusel
Incredible things are happening!
A huge downpouring of Sacred Geometrical Light Patterns have been put in place by the Intergalactic Fleet, and these now have indeed replaced the Old Earths Web of Light completely, combusting the old.
As this happens so many dark souls and stuck ones and slaves and hostile entities have been and are being removed. Its a mass removal.
With this huge lightcodes are being activated in our crown chakras and third eyes, as more veils are being removed.
We are in the middle of such unpresedented changes and upgrades which is affecting all life and life forms on earth. A combustion of the Old.
I have never witnessed such powerful Light upgrades.
They are pouring it into the pyramids and pyramid networks as the Winged Sun Dics have returned.
We are in for intense upgrades and ascension.
We are helped through all of this, as Divine Love is being poured directly into our heart centers, merging with the Light pouring into our crowns and third eyes.
This will intensify.
All is in a state of being liquidized as rebirth is happening on all levels now.