All of you are aware of this now, more and more of the awakening that is happening. And as your discussion was about awakening, and what it means to be awakened. Are you awakened? Are you fully awakened? Are you only partially awakened?
When the awakening actually start in those? It starts, my friend, with a question. With a question that begins to want answers that have not been given before. Answers that are deep down within each and every one of you. The deep knowing that you each have.
You already have the answers, but when you ask the question, then you begin to move away from the matrix, or out of the matrix, out of the third-dimensional illusion. That is when the awakening process begins. Just as it began for each of you when you began to ask the questions: What is real, and what is not real? What am I doing here? Why am I here? What is this all about? What is my purpose?
When you began to ask those questions, and you know you all did, that is when you began to receive the answers. And however it came to you, whether it was a voice within your head. Whether it was someone that you were led to that began to give you an understanding that you didn’t already have.
All of these times are when people begin to awaken. And there are many, many across the surface of this planet that are in that awakening process right now. This is the Grand Awakening. You are all a part of it. Each and every one of you have a part to play. Some bigger parts, or seemingly bigger parts, and some not so large a part. But all of you have a part to play in this.
So know that as you continue to move through this awakening process, through this ascension process, that at some point you will come to an understanding and a knowing of what it really means to be fully awakened. And when you have that knowing within you that you are fully awakened, that is when you will be at your full ascension as well. Because then you will know that you are the God Source within you. Then you will know that you and the God Source are one. That is the full awakening. That is the full ascension when you are completely connected to your Higher God Self. When you and your Father are one. That is when you will know. That is when the full awakening process will have been completed.
But I must add this now: it will be completed only to the level that it needs to be completed at this stage of your journey. For the awakening process never ends. There will always be more. There will always be more questions. There will always be more wondering ‘what is this all about beyond this level of evolution’ when you are in another planet somewhere, another system. When you were up on the ship there will be continued awakening. When you have merged back fully with the God consciousness, even then the awakening continues, because it continues within all of the creation that you have at that point. Because you are the creator.
Yes indeed, when you have fully awakened, when disclosure has fully happened, it will be mindblowing to all of you. Even those of you that feel that you are awakened are not fully awakened. There is so much more yet to come. Even I as Sananda am not fully awakened to what is out there, what is possible yet. There is so much more yet.
So you see, my friends, there is never an end. There is only a beginning, but never an end.
I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you will always know that you are on the journey. And every step that you take in this life, and in many lives to come after this, is just another step upon that journey.