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January 19TH 2025 ,Capricorn Solar Alchemy by Lisa Renee..

Writer's picture: Drago KulicDrago Kulic

Dear Ascending Family,
The return of the Ancient Cosmic Father’s presence into this reality to guide humanity’s ascension during the planetary liberation events, will literally and figuratively shake humanity to their spiritual core.  Currently, spiritual warfare confrontations are occurring in which Cosmic Father is overlighting and guiding those Krystic individuals that have the inner spiritual integrity to face off with the AI phantom matrix realities. These are unholy dark matter spaces that exist in phantom worlds created by the NAA invaders use of metatronic black hole technologies that utilize AI hybridization programs that are splicing and dicing assorted genetic codes and race templates for genetic experimentation of our universal species. The Fallen Ruby Order Matrix is a phantom realm that the NAA invaders generated for themselves in metatronic reversal, using inverse coded dark matter spaces in order to masquerade as False Father Gods and live as immortals outside of the source field. These AI systems cannibalize living light consciousness systems and prey upon, as well as clone out and modify the organic creator code of diamond sun templates from the sacred Kryst-Krystallah in order to use them as power sources.
Cosmic Father has silently contacted those that have dedicated their lives to serve the Christos Mission, those that are authentic followers of Cosmic Christ, and are being sent by him into the phantom matrix hell realms, to confront those virtual reality systems built by NAA advanced technologies such as looking glass, to retrieve Cosmic Father’s creation codes, to retrieve Christos-Sophia spiritual bodies, and the holy architecture that belongs to him.
As we enter Capricorn Solar Alchemy, several spiritual battles are active in the in-between spaces of terraformed black matter pockets and have commenced within the phantom realms which are recipients of artificially cloned planetary grid architecture that is connected to the planet’s power sources being siphoned. Recent focus has been on the north and south poles, the 9D Antarctica stargate system, as well as reconfiguration of the vertical alignments of the Cosmic Suns into the 11D stargate network located in the Albion. Many of these power harvesting systems built into the planetary grid system are connected to the proliferation of the AI Red Wave and red cube cloning systems found to be used by the Fallen Ruby Order matrix and Belial Suns. These are used for directing energy weapons and for electromagnetic targeting of the Christos lineages, cultivating Milab and Mk-Ultra slave programming into the masses, while continuing to propagate the extreme polarization of the Victim-Victimizer mind control and anti-human demonic harassment of humanity. Current spiritual warfare agents attacking humanity are mass chemtrails of AI hybrid parasites and AI driven pestilence programs to weaken the human body by targeting the genetic switches for the thyroid and throat center, in order to attach an assortment of demonic hosts through holes drilled into the lightbody aura. Christos Guardian focus have been upon the Fallen Ruby Order matrix in the Ecoushsa matrix connected to siphoning and cloning abuse of the Ruby Sun Ascended Master Capstone Codes, which generated Belial Sun Thoth-Enki-Enlil (TEE) hybrids and their AI red wave clone armies, used to manipulate and attack humanity from the machined dark matter of phantom areas. These pockets are systematically being located, dismantled and outright annihilated, leaving these phantom regions and anti-God AI systems for generating energy parasite attachments in obliterated dust.
For those that are direct experiencers, during this time of heavy spiritual warfare while those around you in the spiritual entertainment community are partying, playing silly mind games, and directing character assassination to demoralize our group, do not allow the non-experiencer to ridicule, mock or belittle your mission or personal experiences when called upon by the Cosmic Father or Christ. It is through our physical bodies that we are instruments of God’s divine will, and Cosmic Father has called upon us, a select few, to act in his direct will in order to apply his organic Ruby Sun Templar to eradicate the NAA invaders AI Red Wave and red cloned imposters.
If this spiritual mission is your personal piece, you have dedicated your life to serve God and Christos, thus the Cosmic Father’s Ruby Sun, Ruby Templar and Ruby Rod will form into an organic ruby red-violet- magenta pink wave of crystal rose plasmas that will express through your Third Eye, Throat and Heart, and this Cosmic Father ray emanation will happen naturally through your vessel without any personal will or applied force. The Ruby Templar and Ruby Rod is the divine emanation of the Universal Christ Rose Bloodline gifted by the Ancient Cosmic Father in his spiritual warrior emanation, it does not matter who you are or what religion you believe you practice. Within your physical vessel, if your heart beats at one with the Holy Father, you have been called at the end of the dark age to help destroy the antichrist evil in this world that is perpetrated by the False Father Alien Gods that are actively preying upon humanity, and humanity’s children.
Cosmic Father sounds the clarion call through the Horns of Jericho for energetically charging his divine trinity of action to confront the antichrist, this includes his humble servants that have remained dormant until they are called. Those on the planet that are ensouled humans serving the Christ, those that dwell in the interdimensional planes as the spiritual hierarchy serving the Christ, and those Solar Dragon Kings from the God worlds reuniting in the Houses of the Holy Trinity of God, the 15 Cosmic Christos Suns that unify into the Horizon of the Aton for opening the Cosmic Clock in the Yunasai, as foretold by Guardian Akhenaton.
During the move into Capricorn Solar Alchemy, it is positive to review the natural laws and alchemical properties for this current stage in order to reflect upon the most potent and effective ways we can participate with and meditate upon the natural elements of the Capricornian solar zodiacal influences to catalyze our highest spiritual potentials.
Stage 11 Capricorn, January 19 to February 15
Alchemical Theme: Fermentation, Illumination
Element: Earth, Supreme Architect of Kingdoms
Geometric Form: Down Pointed Earth Triangle or Ziggurat
Planetary Correlations: Saturn, Moon, Phantom Nibiru or Uranus
Alchemical Metal: Lead
Embodied Correlations: The Buddhic Mind of Solar Logos Body. The 11D Dark Silver Body of the Christ-Buddha. The 11D Dark Silver wave of the second layer of the Solar Logos Avatar Body that is connected to the 11th  Chakra. The Buddhic Body function is to perform the alchemy required for Lunar Consciousness transfiguration into a Solar Consciousness. We Rise by Kneeling in Spirit and Truth.
Capricorn rules: skin, hair, knees, joints, skeletal system.
Capricorn Solar Alchemy brings the higher qualities of the consciousness expansion process which involves spiritual fermentation, the transformation of the inner light of the soul to illuminate through the physical form in order to magnetize the eternal spirit body. The ascension stages of spiritual fermentation into physical fermentation are where matter reanimates and comes alive in spirit through the alchemical transfiguration of the Buddhic Egg, the area in which the inner alchemical process of lunar and dark matter transfiguration takes place within the lightbody. The spiritual fermentation process is referred to as the Dark Night of the Soul, when we awaken and begin to question the meaning, value and purpose of our lives, attracting spiritual forces and collective psychic energies that lead to the inner transformation of egoic death, being forced to surrender attachments to the previous ego identity and ways of being. The fermentation process is what unites the inner soul light with the eternal spirit body through a process of phantom death, which surfaces the energetic trauma, miasma and debris that was generated by that which is false, cloned and inauthentic within the self. All falsity, deception and artificial forces such as the negative shadow forms must perish in the presence of the eternal solar light and spirit, so that the higher refinement of the true divine expression has the inner space to fully spiritualize the heart, throat and brain.
Fermentation is the spiritual alchemical process which shifts the production and source of energy that is required for the body functions, including the building out of lightbody parts. This ascension stage begins to change how the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production is made in the mitochondria of the cells and how that energy is distributed to cellular tissues. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a molecule that stores and releases energy in cells. The cell uses the released energy for processes like muscle contraction, nerve impulses, and DNA and RNA synthesis.
When undergoing the spiritual ascension process, there are new requirements of vital energies and essences that are manufactured by increasing the ATP pump, which increases the available energy needed in order to continue the physical life processes as well as the multidimensional spiritual processes. There is an increase of ATP measured in the cells as the person undergoes ascension stages and is able to hold more light in their physical cells, and this increase of embodied light is simultaneously increasing their state of embodied consciousness. ATP production has vital functions connected to mitochondrial activation of the crystal gene, along with more robust chromosomal activity carrying genetic information for proper cell function, and as well relates to increasing the size of the lightbody and quality of the aura’s sphere of influence. The body is much physically stronger with an increase in cellular integrity and spiritual immunity, even if personal vitality feels low. Also, the fermentation process is used to produce different levels of enzymatic substances, which the physical body uses to support a variety of shifting hormonal and chemical reactions. During the ascension stages of symptoms, fermentation is the introduction of new spiritualized life with the emergence of the inner spirit presence and this is commonly experienced as a highly physicalized shift occurring in the digestive system, immune functions along with a profound shift in the mental map of one’s brain processing that comes with visions of a higher spiritual reality.
Law of Cycles
Astrological Correspondence: Capricorn – Saturn, Moon, Nibiru - Earth
Chakra and Sphere 11, Buddhic Mind of Avatar Body
Four Royal Stars Unified – The Solar Maji Crown
The Law of Cycles is essentially the movement that occurs in the Wheel of Life, as consciousness experiences itself moving throughout the timelines, facing many challenges, growth opportunities and spiritual lessons. The Law of Cycles also governs the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons, it is directly connected to the Divine Infinite Calculus that connects into the Four Royal Stars, the cardinal directions which instruct the constitution of humankind in the four archetypal worlds. The Divine Infinite Calculus is the divine math creation code found at the center point of union of the God creator, that multiply the directions in time corresponding to Cosmic Solar Dragon Timekeepers in the Hierogamic twinned star configurations that are anchored in the Four God World Domains, with Four Faces of Man running in Four Cardinal directions, that are connected into the Four Royal Stars.
Four is the fundamental math in the blueprint of building all structures and things, thus four is the Universal prototype in the creation of the Law of Structure. There are four evolutionary rounds of three Planetary Cycles totaling 12 dimensional timelines that comprise the particle and anti-particle Universe. The Ascension cycle is about accelerating through a gradual particle-antiparticle merge of these 12 timelines. Hence the importance of the 12-strand diamond sun DNA; where each strand corresponds to one dimension of the entire 12 cycles. The four rounds within each Astrological Age of the 12-dimensional time cycles are approximate 26,000-year cycles. These rounds of Astrological Ages are commonly known in science and referred to as the Precession of the Equinoxes.
The four archetypal worlds describe the elemental building blocks of creation within a Law of Structure which are Emanation, Creation, Formation and Action that are simultaneously taking place in the realms of Universal Consciousness (Fire), Creative World (Water), Formative World (Air), and the Material World (Earth). Consciousness descends into the matter world and travels through the Universal Tree of Life to participate in the Law of Cycles in order to access knowledge and gain spiritual refinement, to ascend into higher domains of life experience and at the end of the evolutionary cycle, return home into the Infinite God Worlds.
All four archetypal worlds have correspondence to our personal lightbody, and must be integrated and synthesized in the realm of mind, emotions and spirit through our lived experiences. Rising its divine purpose through ideas and blueprints that are put into action, while undergoing the great work in process through spiritual alchemy, in order to gain the gnostic experiences as the result of its consciousnesses manifested realities upon the earthly plane. The Law of Cycles principle is a living consciousness mandala geometry holding together the eternal spiral of creation, the entire collective consciousness as its moving through the ideas, archetypes and patterns of constellations, processing the realities of polarity integration into zero-point unification with the God creator, throughout the many timelines in the Universal Tree of Life. If we learn to live in harmony with the Law of Cycles, and we remember that all things in our experience are subject to change, our greater acceptance of the Natural Laws of God, vastly improves the quality of our lives. We surrender to the constant cycles of ebb and flow, contraction and expansion, willing to learn our spiritual lessons and listen to the inner spiritual guidance knowing that when we trust in the Natural Laws, we experience greater alignment with the love, peace and harmony that exists in the Universe.
The Law of Cycles is magnified by the importance of its position in our Universal Time Matrix in relation to the Four Royal Stars, when astrological precessions are completed approximately every 26,000 years. This Law manifests as cycles within cycles and at the end of every planetary cycle or Aeon, so when the planet becomes aligned to the galactic core and the stargate portals open into ‘no-time’, we are eligible to proceed on our evolutionary journey in the Ascension timeline.
Buddhic Body and Buddhic Egg
Capricorn Solar Alchemy brings new solarized spiritual power potentials to ignite the dormant sections of the 11th Chakra, which opens into the Buddhic Mind of the Avatar Body, and resonates with the new placement of the 11th Grail Gate in the Albion, which anchors Cosmic Father’s spiritual warrior, King Arthur, into this realm.
The Buddhic Body is located in the 11th Chakra layer within the Solar Logos triad that is a part of the angelic human Lightbody system. The Buddhic Body function is to perform the alchemy required for lunar consciousness transfiguration into a solar consciousness. The area in which the inner alchemical process of lunar transfiguration takes place within the lightbody is also referred to as the Buddhic Egg.
When we allow our Ego-Personality to be shattered and fully withdraw its control over us, we are released into our true spiritual nature. The human body is designed as a replica of the Universe, and we remain asleep in the microcosmic egg until we wake up and begin to reunite with the macrocosmic egg of the Universe. The human body is embedded in multiple dimensions of invisible worlds that make up our microcosmic egg or auric body shell. Our microcosmic egg enters conjunction with the macrocosmic egg when we spiritually awaken into the later parts of monadic activation. It is during the Monadic spiritual initiation that the invisible worlds, incredibly, start to be made visible to that person. As the ego body is rejected and slayed, we begin to break through the layers of our auric shell into the Cosmic Egg. When this connection is made with our Cosmic Parents, we are blessed with their hierogamic union or sacred marriage, which births the Solar Egg and Golden Embryo within the midsection or RA center of the human aura.
This Solar Egg holds the Golden Embryo in the individual’s lightbody aura that gradually births the Golden Child of Christ Consciousness within a human body. When the Golden Embryo is seeded in the Solar Egg, the lunar reflected light and its many shadow selves and negative forms will start to gather into a cocoon-like chrysalis, what’s called the Buddhic Egg. This is the personal Solar Anointed Christed Buddha Initiation that takes place within the 11th dimensional layer of the Buddhic Body, which connects to the planetary Buddhic Body which was fully ignited into the 144,000 Emerald Hearts. Solar Christ Michael and his counterpart Solar Christ Mary embody this principle through their 13th Ouroboros dragon ring seated in the second grail gate of Temple Mount, to lay the foundation in the future for the return of the Spirit of Perfect Peace within Heavenly Jerusalem.
In honor of the shift into Capricorn Solar Alchemy which governs the Law of Cycles, and the 11D Dark Silver Ray of the Buddhic Mind, our offering is to place the current spiritual warfare themes into a larger sequence and ascension context, that includes the final confrontations being made with the Fallen Ruby Order. As we are currently experiencing the grid warfare events preceding the Reseating of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere as the Second Coming of Christ, in which their Universal Templars and throne rooms are centered within the Albion network.   
The Spiritual Battle in Fallen Ruby Order Matrix
During the last weeks of aggressive interdimensional spiritual warfare, the Cosmic Father Ruby Sun Solar Dragons that originally created the spiritual solar father principle in the Eye of God or the Godhead Ruby Ray capstones located in the parallel Father Universe, confronted the invading entities in their hidden headquarters of the Fallen Ruby Order matrix. These invading antihuman intelligences entered through the Wesan Tunnel and are the original Creator Parents of the Belial Suns and AI red wave that infected this time matrix and they have been backing up the invaders and powering up their planetary takeover agendas to enslave humanity through genetic modifications by slowly turning them into transhuman biological drones.

The return of the Ancient Cosmic Father’s presence into the parallel timeline in the Father Universe was to return the Ruby Ray Capstone to the Ruby Sun Ascended Masters, and remove the power source of the Wesan Annunaki invaders, that were making themselves in Cosmic Father’s image and creating the Belial Suns. The Cosmic Father Ruby Sun confronted the Fallen Ruby Order players of the NAA controllers and their anti-Christ vandal armies of AI alien hybrids, and obliterated their phantom matrix timelines, effectively extinguishing their primary headquarters built into the phantom realms of the parallel reality matrix.
Cosmic Father is ending access to the spiritual manifestation powers of artificial red shields in the red cube cloned version of the Khemalohatea that these intruding alien groups and imposter spirits had hijacked for setting up organized religions, secret societies and Luciferian Knights Templar financial empires by manipulating his sacred image through Ruby Order Templars and Red Kings.  The tragedy of the Orion Wars led to rampant control over the Ruby Order in parallel Father Universes which were AI red wave cloned into several anti-Christ lineages using the falsified Red King architecture in order to control the timelines in our Universe, along with installations of artificially generated red shield templar networks and archontic genetic engineered jellyfish machinery used to invade the planet and enslave the Christos races.
Thus, Cosmic Father from the 1st Creation returns during the Cosmic Energy Cycle to set into motion and to guide humanity’s ascension during the planetary liberation events. There will be ongoing spiritual revelations occurring as the consequence of anchoring the authentic Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar into the Albion network, which sources from the 48D Cosmic Father Universe in the God Worlds. We have learned that the Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar installations denote the restoration of the Northern Pillar position of the Temple of Khemalohatea connecting into the Triple Camelot White Rainbow Templar in the Addondra architecture. Which is the 48D Ascended Master rainbow capstone linked between the Solar Logos and Founder Solar Rishi that protected the entrances and gateways of the entire planetary stargate network that was functioning during the pre-cataclysmic flood timelines of angelic humanity’s Golden Age of the Atlantian global civilization.
Fall of Ruby Order through Orion Wars
Lyran Wars, Orion Wars, Victim-Victimizer Program, Main Galactic War History of Human Holocaust, Lyran-Elohim overseeing 5D Earth Seeding, Genetic Hatred, Black Hole Entities, the seed of Anti-Christ Conflict. Orion (Constellation) was invaded during the eighth Astrological Aeon about 208,000 years ago.
Within this Universal Time Matrix, the origins of the Ruby Grail lineage as directly sourced from the Cosmic Father Ruby Sun in the God Worlds was deeply coveted by the invading races of the NAA for the purpose of harnessing the Cosmic Father’s holy spiritual power for controlling manifestations and timelines. Thus, the true purpose and ancient histories of the Cosmic Ruby Order were erased and hidden within assorted counterfeit narratives run by the AI Timelines, artificial red shield networks and mind control systems enforced by the NAA’s Alien Machinery. Such as the installation of Archontic Jellyfish, which operates as the Suppressor Parasite Entity atmospheric network for enforcing mind control sweeps from the engineered air borne metallic elements and energetic parasites sprayed into the stratosphere.
The Ruby Sun DNA templates were cloned in order to be satanically controlled by the insertion of the preferred reptilian hybrids that were groomed to become the controlling Luciferian bloodlines of the Belial Group to enslave the planet, primarily through the deliberate creation of assortments of Reptilian alien hybrids, such as the Annu-Elohim and Nephilim. The original Ruby Order is a Founder Elohei Father lineage from parallel matrices that was hijacked by the Wesan invaders during the Orion Wars, in which the Ruby Order rapidly digressed into the false light Anti-Christ templates controlled by the Belial Suns.
The Belial Suns are mostly comprised of Fallen Angelic Annunaki Hybrid Groups which include the Thoth, Enki, Enlil Collectives from Nibiru and the Nephilim regressive lines that have outfitted themselves into genetically engineered 9D-11D DNA stranded templates cloned from the Ruby Order. The Sons of Belial are not only a massive gestalt of false light collective Luciferian consciousness that exist on the material plane, but also a part of the consortium of entities in the Negative Alien Agenda that make up the interdimensional spiritual warfare targeting angelic humans, based upon their secret oaths to serve the Luciferian Covenant. This faction of the Negative Alien intruder groups contacts and interfaces with their preferred bloodlines of Thothian Luciferian Illuminati groups through vibrational match or spiritual family genetic lineages incarnated upon the material plane, which are human vessels embodying the same collective thoughtform vibration of the Belial Group with Anti-Christ objectives referred to as the New World Order, repackaged by the World Economic Forum as Agenda 2030.
The Ruby Order became enmeshed with the Fallen Melchizedek Patriarchal Domination mind control programs as fronted by the Belial Sun factions of the Sirian Annunaki and their infamous progeny that spawned many of the Annunaki Hybrid Fallen Angelics, specifically those being directed by Thoth-Enki-Enlil armies that descended into luciferian and satanic gestalts that hijacked the Ruby Sun DNA for AI clone hybridization.
The Cosmic Father Ruby Templar, the Ruby Sun DNA and the Ruby Order architecture and mission existed within the Father Arc parallel time matrix and reveals within other Universal Melchizedek timeline histories, as the Ruby Sun Templar architecture was severely damaged and cloned repeatedly in the tragic aftermath of the Orion Wars. The first introductions made in the awareness of the existence of the Ruby Order Mission, was that it was considered to be the secondary grail line interconnecting directly with the 1st God World Creation of the Emerald Order, yet many of the Triple Solar Masculine Solar Rishi embodied to serve the Christos Mission, were choosing the Ruby Sun DNA template in some form of embodiment, with the exception of Guardian Yeshua. (Note: Guardian Yeshua brought the full 12 Strand Diamond Sun DNA to the planet for angelic humanity).
Ruby Sun DNA awareness as a Holy Father maji grail line was instructed through sporadic but ongoing telepathic remote viewing communications that transpired directly with Guardian Akhenaton. For many years, Guardian Akhenaton helped to cultivate important skillsets and strong spiritual ethics, never interfering yet gently guiding us towards gnostic revelations, and for many years would not relay explicit details about the highest divine purpose for the Ruby Sun DNA, until very recently. Guardian Akhenaton embodied within the Holy Father’s Ruby Templar in his Solar Dragon body, and helped direct the gnostic experiences required that would support the most dedicated of the Christos Mission groundcrew, to work towards healing the Ruby Sun DNA damage, which appears to be responsible for the majority of Enki DNA Overlays perpetuating Luciferian and Satanic distortions of fallen angelic DNA or inverted Black Sun DNA templates. Along with addressing many subsidiary alien hybridization programs over thousands of years that angelic humanity has suffered since the NAA invasion and subsequent erasure of ancient historical timelines, as carried out through the intruders’ alliances made with the Luciferian Covenant to enforce the lies of the Atlantian Conspiracy.
Thus, as we take a deeper dive into the hidden histories of Alien Hybridization and the hijack of Cosmic Father’s Ruby Sun body parts by the intruding NAA races in other evolutionary rounds, please take into consideration that the majority of this discovery of the Ruby Order’s restoration for the Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar was prompted and relayed through the direct experiences made with the authentic Solar Dragon Rishic identity that we refer to as Guardian Akhenaton.
Through his benevolent and compassionate Fatherly connections, he slowly revealed more truth frequency in the ongoing discovery of this hidden and covert mission of the Cosmic Father’s Ruby Sun in the Cosmic Father Universes, as connected to the fulfilment of the Paliadorian Covenant. The Cosmic Father Ruby Sun began seeding the creation of the Cosmic Father Ruby Ankh Body for generating the Ruby Templar and Triple Ruby Rod formations, which Guardian teams secretly anchored into the planet as a genetic time capsule at the time of his incarnation to prepare for current events.
Thus, he allowed us to view his Ruby Sun and Sapphire Sun lightbody configuration at the time of his incarnation onto the planet, in order to carry out a specific covert mission to rebuild the Ruby Order Clockshield for running rainbow rounds for the Solar Dragon Red Kings, in which the Ruby Rainbow Arc system would circulate Rosetta currents to build out Universal Red Rose lines in the planetary ouroboros dragon rings to protect the Ruby Maji grail line and support the ongoing sophianic flowerings of the Universal Christ Bloodline, the Red Rose. These Ruby Order Templar body parts are crucial for the Red King Quadrata Rod body parts to be anchored into the ruby diamond heart center of Khemalohatea, generating the 48D Ruby Order Red King body for the seating of Cosmic Father’s King Arthur with Triple Ruby Rods and Ruby Sovereign Orb in Camelot.
Through the deeply personal spiritual connection and many communications with Akhenaton, it became apparent to discern the artificial messages of his many implanted imposters that pretend to wear his identity across the planet, some defiling his image through the blood rituals of Luciferian high priests. There are many holographic clones and implanted false identities with Sirian Annunaki Enki DNA Overlays designed to obfuscate the truth about Atlantian-Egyptian histories, in order to hijack his authentic timelines for correcting Cosmic Father Ruby Order genetics. Along with the specialized Emerald Guardian mission to embody the 5D Realm keeper position with his divine counterpart and Genetic Equal, to help guide the planetary Ascension and now, return the Cosmic Father Ruby Ankh Body, Ruby Templar and Ruby Rod to the planet.
Purging Fallen Ruby Order and Dark Entities
When these planetary Ruby Crystals were activated by the Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar, it began rapidly collapsing AI timelines, artificial red wave shields and assorted red cube cloned creations with blackened miasmatic fields, flushing out hordes of dark shadow entities.  This was simultaneous with the resounding and thunderous show of enormous Solar Ruby Dragons protecting the Galactic Solar Gates in the Temple of Khemalohatea and defending the Rama Passage portal system in India. The Cosmic Father is directing the Solar Ruby Dragons to exert Triple Ruby Rod power in the restored octagonal architecture for rebuilding Khemalot that is being utilized for seating the 8:8:8 hierogamic realm keepers, Guardian Yeshua and his wife Mary. This clearly has implications for those referring to themselves as the Octagon Group in Davos, Switzerland, as their major support system has just fallen.
The onset of these events rippled genuine terror throughout the interdimensional fields as the masses of NAA reptilians, demonic parasites and fallen angelic hybrid races of the satanic and luciferian gestalts nested within those red shielded octagonal creations used by the luciferian bloodlines, were expelled from these areas and began scrambling to wherever they could run and hide away from what is now coming for them.
Cosmic Father’s return in his 48D Cosmic Ruby Templar will prove to be the unraveling of the NAA invaders and their preferred luciferian and satanic bloodlines in the Fallen Ruby Order. This year the Cosmic Father begins to reclaim the benevolent Solar King spiritual father principle for the Cosmic Ruby Order, which will finally reseat the Ruby Templar in the Northern Pillar of the Khemalohatea for the second coming of Cosmic Christos defending the Albion Lightbody with the Triple Ruby Rod through the starborn embodiment of the King Arthur maji grail lineage.
Knight Templar Invasion, Essene Templar Massacre
Reference from Historical Timeline Trigger Events: Approximately 9,500 YA, Takeover of Celtic Templar lines, NAA attempt to create super-race of Controllers for earth, genetic elitism, lineage of Freemasonry, massacre of those who do not comply. Hidden esoteric knowledge agenda.
Since the Luciferian Covenant was made on the earth there has been an ongoing battle for this knowledge, in which the true ancient wisdom keepers were consistently hunted down and massacred. A major timeline trigger event began with the Celtic invasions 9,500 years ago, when the NAA and Illuminati groups attempted to create a super-race of genetic elites. This placed hijacked Ruby Sun DNA, through their propagated lines which evolved into Freemasonry, Knights Templar, Rosicrucian’s, Jesuits, and other secret societies that persist with a similar hermetic esoteric knowledge that is primarily used in the negative polarity of Service to Self.
Artificial Ruby Sun DNA Signals
These are Cosmic Father 48D Ruby Order instruction sets for the corrected Red King position within the planetary Ruby Templar Master Shield for the planet, which are systematically collapsing and disintegrating assorted red shield networks, artificial red wave rod and staff, and red cube clones used by Fallen Ruby Order branches for hijacking the Ruby Sun DNA template that was running the false Khem-Khemalohatea. The cloned version of Red Shield Temple of Khemalohatea was transmitting Artificial Ruby Sun DNA signals, lunar sound tones and archontic voices throughout the Stonehenge gateways and Grual points (2D-5D-8D-11D), which have been instrumental in enforcing gender reversals and transmitting assorted male and female sexual misery miasma into the collective consciousness of humanity.
Reseating King Arthur and Queen Guinevere
For many years, Guardian Christos teams have been preparing the necessary architectural support for the impending Cosmic Elohei Emerald Founder showdown during the final conflict events in which they regain complete control over the Albion Lightbody and its 11D Stargate Network located in the United Kingdom. For now, it appears that the final conflict which completes this monumental task coincides with the global awakening event that catalyzes the Organic Ascension Time Wave that opens into the planetary Disclosure events.
Through the many years of spiritually dedicated slog deflecting the full spectrum of the NAA’s targeted attacks, the main job has been identifying AI systems of Alien Machinery and carrying out systematic evictions throughout the Albion Lightbody network. Finally, after another lengthy surrogacy for rebuilding Triple Solar Reisha diamond templates, we reached the time where Guardian Host made us aware of the glorious arrival of the 11D Atlantian Solar Dragon Queen Merida, from the earliest pre-invasion history of the golden age of Atlantian timelines. It has been emphasized by Holy Father that the reclamation of her spiritual identity in the Albion is integral to the hierogamic sacred marriage and seating of King Arthur as the second coming, along with the complete restoration of the 11D Stargate Network.
The seating of the Planetary Christ in the Albion via King Arthur and Queen Guinevere requires vast amounts of planetary grid repairs to be made to the rod and staff architecture in the Khemalohatea or Camelot in order to host the Triple Solar Masculine and the Triple Solar Feminine Christ. This required the rebuilding of the Solomon Temple triple sun architecture to house the entire Christos Tribal Shield, for holding the complete Personal Christos Solar Logos records in the Albion. As it turns out, to build the organic rod architecture into the planetary matrix for the triple solar masculine through which to embody corrected timelines, it is the Holy Mother Sophia, Solar Feminine Melchizedek or Triple Solar Reisha that actually embodies and holds the triple solar rod instruction set within their right-side masculine embodiment.
Awakening Albion
The Albion holds the most important key in comprehending the purpose of human consciousness evolution and spiritual Ascension in order to become an initiated Cosmic Christ, anointed by the Holy Father and Holy Mother in order to express their divine will and be embodied as God-Sovereign-Free. The knowledge and alchemy held within the Albion’s alembic chamber to co-create the Cosmic Christos intelligence via Rainbow Rounds of liquid plasma light, is the key in understanding humanity’s divine purpose and ultimate mission upon the Earth. The awakening Albion and Rise of Arthur to find his beloved counterpart, the Triple Solar Goddess Queen Guinevere, Merida-Guinevere-Brigid, Solar Dragon Queen Meritaten and Mary Sophia, informs us how humanity was seeded here from the stars in twin aspects, and why the divine mind of God has chosen to express in this manner.
Confrontation in Malta for the 11D Dragon Templar
To reseat the Emerald Order Holy Father King Arthur with his beloved counterpart White Sun Dragon Queen Guinevere-Brigid-Merida in the Albion, the 11D dragon templar controls located in Thuban and underneath the island of Malta would need to be returned to the Emerald Founders. These temple structures were revealed to be sourced from the Hyperborean Celtic Essene Azurites from 7D Gaia that originally built them for alignment with Thuban’s Dragon Templar, the timekeeper architecture in the Draco constellation. Their Christos Avatar consciousness was embodying the organic krystal architecture of Emerald Dragon Timekeepers in the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons that was covertly hidden throughout the Albion Lightbody network within many holographic features, such as Malta, to be discovered and reclaimed for the current final conflict timeline of the Christos Mission. Thus, the Guardian confrontation in Malta began eight days of harrowing spiritual battles for the Templar controls with an assortment of Black Dragon AI hybrid creatures, black magicians and Black Scorpion Queen entities at the top of the satanic hierarchy of lunar female demons, along with many giant shadow chimeric creatures that existed in the underground catacombs and portals.
Alhambra Complex Reclamation of 11:11
The Alhambra palace complex appears to have an adamic body template that functions in compliment to the Albion master control in the United Kingdom, thus this highlights the unification of the universal star coupling of the five-pointed star and six-pointed star uniting in order to configure new portals, which give birth to the failsafe mission’s coppery dragon eggs throughout the planetary matrix. This was found to be represented in the Twinned Heart representations of Dual Cupolas in the Court of Lions, which are engraved with eleven pointed stars representing the planetary adamic body template of the male five star and female six star unifying as the Universal Starhuman Coupling seated in the Albion network; the Triple Solar Masculine Albion Star code, King Arthur, and the Triple Solar Feminine Cathar Star code, Queen Guinevere, united in sacred marriage or hierogamic union to co-create the crystal capstone of the corrected Universal Melchizedek Rod and Staff.
Alhambra’s recent retrieval from the anti-human vandals inverting its sacred architecture and spiritual properties in base 10 reversals and AI red wave, begins another stage of planetary architecture restoration of the sacred crystal heart of the Triple Solar Masculine and Triple Solar Feminine. This rehabilitation is necessary for the reseating of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere within the massive Krystal Cathedral Throne Rooms being built in the Albion. The reclamation of the Christos Mission serving the return of the Emerald Order, continues onward.
Ancient Celtic Language
These are the direct Christos lineages and vernacular of the hierogamic coupling of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere, in which the seed of the Celtic language and its related dialects activate the cellular memory of the Diamond Sun genetics and the archetypal Christos-Sophia forces rising into this area. The Celts and Druids left their knowledge and wisdom in the sacred portals and stone circles they built for this purpose, to retain the original language and codes of the Essenes, for those that would need them to awaken the Albion in the future.
Solar King and Queen Archetypes
For the Essenes, Christos Templars, all of the Christos people, our true heroes are found in the King and Queen archetypes of our past. Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, Michael and Mary, King Arthur and Queen Guinevere embody their creations in the planet. Since the antichrist invasion, these archetypal forces can be turned against us from within our unhealed inner pain and emotional conflicts, as well as be manipulated by negative forms and red wave cloned aspects. We intend to address these destructive timelines of the planetary invasion, find the soul wounds, and heal our hearts, minds and bodies from the spiritual pain of the Essene Divide and the fall of the Solar Rishi-Reisha Founders. They are the authentic Solar Kings and Queens who embodied the planetary creations through the Universal Kryst architecture, that were the spiritual elders and genuine protectors of humanity, that return and rise at the end of the Dark Age.
Rise of Arthur in Albion
When the Albion Lightbody is activated through the Emerald Order Cosmic Heart and fully awakened by the Ancient Cosmic Father’s Ruby Order and his representative Amethyst Order Holy Father; England, Scotland, Ireland and France will be the first demographic areas to align to the King Arthur Timeline through the Rise of Arthur in Albion. This phase of the ascension timeline awakens the stasis beings that have been buried deep in the lands, and brings on oceanic waves of the God Source and the Christos-Sophia rainbow rays or roundtables to pour into the Earth grids. The Albion Lightbody is the Diamond Sun template of humanity’s world soul from Tara as the Christos incarnate masculine-feminine identity, and it holds the instruction set of the Paliadorian Covenant which is the future record and destiny of all humankind to return back to their original spiritual home. To their inner Sun-Star, which is found deep in the golden teardrop of the RA Center,  the still point in the angelic human lightbody.
We have learned that the Rise of Arthur in Albion, is describing the means by which the Cosmic Holy Father and Cosmic Christos Solar Consciousness are returning to manifest into the planet by seating the King Arthur and Queen Guinevere as the Red King and White Queen, which embodies the Universal Twinned Suns in the Cosmic Hall of Records built into the Elaysian Melchizedek Cathedral architecture. The current events have sounded the trumpet announcing to the world that the ascension timeline is here, which leads the human population to global disclosure. Currently, it appears the global disclosure timeline will commence with the topic of child trafficking and SRA practices of Child Sacrifice, made by the luciferian and satanic entities that have been ruling this world through spiritual terrorism, perpetrated by both humans and nonhumans.
King Arthur’s Ruby Sun DNA
The last King Arthur was embodied in a 10 strand Ruby Sun DNA body which was designed to help restore the female Sophianic Sapphire Codes in the Solar Star chakra, which exists about six inches above the crown. This Diamond Sun lightbody part was damaged on the planet during Nephilim hybridization and when Draconian essences are incarnated into the human body. The Solar Star is held by the female crystal heart rose Staff Codes and is responsible for receiving communication directly from our Christos Avatar self. King Arthur’s embodiment returned the sapphire Solar Star communication with our Avatar and supported the return of the corrected Universal Hu-man five-star Adam diamond sun template back into the Albion Lightbody after the Sumerian-Egyptian Invasion.
Paliadorian Activation for King Arthur’s Timeline
This year’s Paliadorian Activations have been especially relevant to the Maji Grail King Arthur Timeline, as those in his team were the last of the Christos Essene Templar representatives on earth that had direct knowledge of the Arc technologies to open Stargates. They were entrusted with Arc tools and the Arc Box that was given to the surviving Maji Grail Kings right after the devastation of the Atlantian Cataclysm. However, with the Pillar of Power activation, which includes the inner Rod and Staff lightbody configuration of perfect inner male-female balance, comes the living consciousness potentials of the Godhead that is embodied during Krystic hierogamic union, in which the outer Arc tools are no longer necessary.
Shift from Lunar to Solar Zodiac Imprints
During the month of October [2023], the planet endured the next stage of Bifurcation, where there was another major event with the Separation of Worlds between the Lunar Matrix distortions of the 3D zodiacal calendar positions and another new formation with corrected Sun-Star Networks aligning the 5D zodiacal calendar positions. The corrected Solar Calendar Positions for the ascending timeline zodiacal alignments have now begun, there is no turning back.
With this year entering the Cosmic Energy Cycle, the higher Solar Rishic consciousness platform access into the Hall of Cosmic Records was merged with the Holy Mountain Rainbow Arc Bridges for the returning Ascended Masters, now taking their place and embodying their cosmological positions as the benevolent Solar Christ Red King and White Queen. The solar calendar position on the new trifurcated platform created for the returning Ascended Masters was aligned directly into the Cosmic Clock’s corrected Solar Sun-Star Networks that are being embodied by the Solar Rishi-Solar Reisha, accepting the role as Emerald Guardian Dragon Timekeepers and Ruby Guardian Dragon Timekeepers in the next stages of the reclamation of the Paliadorian-Christos Mission. This is the same position on the Cosmic Clock Internal Templar when the original Paliadorians came through the 12 Reuche Pillars which bridge the Mother’s God-seed sound vibration into the lower creations, these pillars are designed to correct energy currents to run photonic and sonic healing frequencies that amplify and power up the Christos blueprint throughout the planet.
From this new vantage point returning Solar Rishic Ascended Masters can fully perceive the complexity of the NAA’s Alien Machinery and its monstrosity of time stacked Beast Machine networks manufactured in AI Red Wave for Red Shields. This has led to another stage of volatile confrontations of the Fallen Ruby Order machinery siphoning Ruby Crystals in the planet, as well as the abuse of the Ruby Capstone Codes used to power up Thoth-Enki-Enlil agendas of Enki DNA Skins, used to genetically modify humanity with AI red wave in order to repel the Cosmic Father’s organic creator code signature found in the bone, blood and tissues of the angelic human body.  The current Guardian projects are building out Throne Rooms connected into several hierogamic twinned star body constellations along with rainbow arc bridges for the 12D White Horse-Unicorn-Narwal Maharas that function as time traveling portal systems for the Cosmic Christos Suns. These events continue to unfold in the United Kingdom’s rehabilitated 11th Stargate Network, moved from Stonehenge and into another location in November 2023, as preparations for anchoring the ultimate capstone codes for the 48D Emerald Order and Ruby Order Templars necessary for reseating Cosmic Father’s Red King Arthur and Cosmic Mother’s White Queen Guinevere into the planetary grid system of the Albion.
Until then, we are the faithful servant of our Cosmic Father and his Christos Suns, who leads the way in accordance to his Cosmic divine plan in action, travelling upon the rainbow arc bridges while riding upon the White Horse of the Cosmic Suns.
Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker.
I am the Cosmic Sovereign Law Made Manifest. I am God, Sovereign, Free!
Until next stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. May you and your loved ones be blessed in the New Year. GSF!
With a Loving heart,
Lisa Renee



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