Have you ever wondered how the Mother’s lovelight energy comes down to us? What channels it goes through? Does it come to us directly? Indirectly? What other beings are involved?
We examine here how the Mother sends her commands and energy down through the angelic realms to us. Then, how it’s working to cause our Ascension.
How do the Mother’s energy and commands reach us?
We have two examples she’s given us. One is a general answer and the second is relative to enlightenment, which we discover is the purpose of life.
In General
Divine Mother: Normally, [Light] would come from me to my realms, to the dominions, to the seraphim, to the archangels, etc., to the masters, to your guardians, and then to you. But that is why each of you is shining like a star with many facets. You are being bombarded by all of us. You see, there is no shortage of what I have to share. (1)
Enlightenment in Particular
Archangel Michael: The angels, particularly what you think of as the second and third spheres, but particularly the archangels, the angels, and the virtues, actually, play a great role in bringing that enlightenment that you asked for, that you seek, that you open your heart to receive, and acknowledge what is already within you.
So what we do is in many ways we blow on the flame until it becomes an inferno. And their breath is the breath of wisdom and love and joy and sweetness.
But do not ever make the incorrect thinking, thinking that you do not have the essential element to bring enlightenment forward, because you do. You always have. (2)
What is the impact of the Ascension energy the Mother is directly sending us?
Divine Mother: Sweet angels of mine, my legion of light, my angels of love, you are in the middle of the Transition. You are in the middle of the Shift. You are riding the waves of love that the Father and I are sending directly into your heart, through the portal of your heart, through the Ascension portal of the planet.
And from there it is diffusing into each of your chakras, into your body, into your brain and yes there is also energy being sent directly through your crown chakra. It is activating not only your pineal, your hypothalamus, your pituitary; it is activating portions of your hemisphere that have never been activated in the human race. (3)
In this Ascension – A Change of Plan
Steve: Could we take this instance of a change in the Plan from Ascension out of the body, Ascension beyond the body, to Ascension with the body, could we take that instance and could you trace it down from yourself through the various levels to us? Can you indicate the various channels you send it down through? We hear terms like “the highest Universal Council,” or we hear terms like “the Elohim.” How did this thought or command come down from God to us?
Divine Mother: This command, yes, of course. Now think of it as rays of the sun. Sometimes you will look at the sun and you will see beams of sunlight. And so the command, as you have put it, has gone, yes, to the Company of Heaven, to the Elohim, to the Seraphim, to the Cherubim, to every level, through the Council, through many of the Councils. But that beam, that central beam, has also come directly from our heart to you. And that is a unique aspect of this Ascension.
Steve: All right. And when this beam comes out and comes to the Elohim and then the Seraphim, how are they aware of it? It’s not like they receive a letter from God. How does it show up for them? How does it manifest for them?
DM: The closest way that you can conceive of how, for example, the Elohim would receive it, it would be as an instantaneous energy transmission into them that would be an expansion — even though they have always known, because it is part of the plan and they are aware of it — but it would trigger, “All right, now it is time for us also to be beaming.” So that it is not just the direct beam; they start to work with the various levels down to the human collective to also implement this aspect of the plan in what you think of as your now.
Steve: All right. Well, they certainly know, I’m sure the Elohim and the Seraphim know that this is God’s will. But we, we probably don’t know it’s God’s will. We may feel moved to do something, or inspired to do something. How can we know that we are being directly communicated with or inspired?
DM: It goes to following, listening, trusting, holding love in your heart. And yes, with the totality of your being, not just with a portion of your being. It’s time for you to all work with the totality of your being, and discerning, not judging, ever, whether something is a whim or truly an inspiration. …
And how you know is this feeling of, “Ah!” expansion, of this urge that is driven and uncontrollable, because you know it is part of your joy. And if it does not feel like joy, then it is simply a random human thought. So turn away from it and allow that alignment with you and with All to truly fill you. (4)
In this Ascension – For an Increase in Energy
Archangel Michael: There is a new energy – can we call it a tertiary wave, though it is more than that – that comes to the planet directly from the heart of the Mother. And yes, we are her delivery agents.
Now, throughout the universe, we work with what you think of as creative chaos, to call in all the energy at our disposal. And this is what we have done, directly from the Mother/Father One, to the archangels, to the seraphim, to the angelic realm, to your star brothers and sisters, the entire Company of Heaven.
Everybody has been sending the higher vibrations, the higher frequencies to the planet and to each and every one of you. (5)
DM: Now I have one more thing to say: I am reinvigorating, I am reactivating and I am bringing forth my Tsunami of Love. It has been the beginning and it is the end. No, not the end of life or civilisation or existence, but think of it as an opening bracket and a closing bracket, and in between you have had, of course, many of my waves – it never stopped – of my Tsunami of Love, penetrating each and every particle of your being.
Then the masters and my archangels and all the legions have added their energy to you, and then your Star brothers and sisters have added their Porlana C [galactic form of energy] to you. And now I am telling you I am reactivating the Tsunami of Love to wash away and complete what we have begun together – not to end anything, but it is a new chapter of existence! So think of it as the rinse-off, and I am rinsing you and immersing you and buoying you up with my love.
I have given you my most precious gifts: clarity and purity, grace, wonder and awe, and in that clarity, in that purity, in grace, you step forward in tangibility to bring forth the fulfilment of my dream.
So I declare: I am helping you.