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Evil will Have to Leave an Ascending GaiaSeptember 12, 2024 by Steve Beckow

Writer's picture: Drago KulicDrago Kulic

I referred the other day to “courts of standing with officials of integrity, giving just and unbiased decisions.” (1)
Unbiased decisions? Give me a break. The lawfare we’ve watched recently has made a mockery of the words.
But, yes, there are ways to work with bias. Let me look at that for a moment and then let’s look at the difference integrity or a lack of it makes in the working of any system.
Bias is an opinion, usually deeply-ingrained, which operates in a world of consciousness that we hold separate from our other mind-created inner and outer worlds. When we switch from our normal, everyday conversation with ourselves to a conversation with another, we may as well have entered another world.
We may deny in our everyday consciousness a bias which we openly discuss in our offstage conversations with ourselves. That basic act of false denial is the irritant around which the pearl later grows.  It’s the bend in the twig along which the tree inclines.
But there are various approaches I can take, if I have sincerity and integrity (not if I don’t), to either minimize the impact of my bias or avoid a serious mis-step. They are:
Notice the bias and, if insignificant (as with a brief and inconsequential encounter), remain aware of it and its possible impact;
If significant, identify my bias and urge awareness (watch for it!) on the other’s part;
If important to the outcome, identify my bias and recuse myself from making the decision.
In a world where politics are ethical and moral, these options, depending on circumstances, would probably all be deemed as honorable and acceptable.
Of course, what we’re living in is a world in which leading political figures have been corrupted by the deep state, cartels, and mafias (2) or blackmailed using real or contrived honeypots, hidden videos, etc.  (3)
I could go on to list other human-rights abuses, but even the names are traumatic. I’d rather let Matthew put the matter:
“From time to time we have alluded to upcoming happenings that will shock most of Earth’s peoples to their very core. If any period could be considered majorly dramatic insofar as the world being turned upside down to shake out the dark elements, it is the period on your near horizon. In concert with mind-stunning revelations, energy surges will be activating ancient portals and anchoring them as interstellar beacons.” (4)
Every day our limits of what is unthinkable, horrendous, or dismaying could be pushed back by fresh revelations. Or challenged by incoming energies.  And, unless we know what’s been happening, we might minimize it in our haste to return to comfort and complacency.
Our society’s influencers – to borrow the term –  must see it and hear it to believe it. (5) Otherwise, entrainment (social leadership) out of darkness won’t happen. And, even then, it cannot be only them who carry the weight, Michael tells us:
Archangel Michael: It cannot be simply the lightbearers who are holding the light, and shining the light, and  beaming the light, and being the light – it cannot simply be them doing all the heavy lifting, for the entire planet to go forward.  (6)


Again, this same approach to bias can be used by the cabal, dictators, or simply predatory individuals to produce harmful outcomes. It all depends on the intentions of the actor.
An evil mind can subvert any process or procedure.  And we’ve refused to accept the existence of something as evil as the world’s elites have created.  But, in the ten days of broadcasts, we’ll be brought face-to-face with much more truth, perhaps as much of the truth as a human being can stand.
All the pooh-poohing we’ve done has allowed that mass of evil to grow and grow, until now it has the capacity, if allowed to by our star family (which won’t happen), to destroy most of the human race with a toxic vaccine.
As Michael said:
Archangel Michael: Everything that has need to be eliminated, everything that has need to be relinquished, everything that needs to be healed in this cesspool that we call ‘chaos’ has need to come to the surface.
Otherwise – and this has happened many, many times in human history – what happens is there is a belief [that] there is a healing, an accommodation, a remedy, and then the human collective tends to think, ‘Okay, now it is cleaned up. Now it is healed. Now it is done.’
But the core – the core issues – of the collective, and of course of the individuals, have not been addressed, and therefore it simply settles in and it festers. (7)
This that we’re going through is what it feels like to watch everything evil come to the surface. I’m reminded of scenes in horror movies where the source of horror is gathered up by a tornado and vacuumed to the other side. (8)  Evil will have to leave an ascending Gaia, the Divine Mother says:
Divine Mother: Those people who just simply say “no, I don’t want to do this” will be gathered up in mercy, in compassion, gentleness and kindness – not brought to somewhere else, let me be very clear about that – they will be brought home for reconstitution. …
They will either die beforehand or die during, because they cannot incorporate the level of the love energy – because that is what Ascension is – they cannot incorporate that … and it literally… you have heard of situations, especially you… have heard of situations where people’s hearts simply stop or explode for no explained reason.
It is simply because they cannot continue on, and the merciful thing to do is to simply, gently and kindly, bring them home. We do not know the meaning of punishment, of what has in so many different religious pursuits been called ‘hell.’ ‘Hell’ is when you are in that place – the depth of despair. (9)


It isn’t as if we’re being asked to don battle gear.  Committed and valiant men and women in the military have volunteered to do that on our behalf. There are many other things we can do in their support and ours:
Remain informed; Be prepared with food, drink, necessaries, and currency (in low amounts) for self and others;* Carry on normally and peacefully, which denies the dark forces the energy of fear (loosh) that their top echelons thrive on;* Send them love bombs because love has the power to dissolve hatred, freeing them from their self-imposed chains, if anything can;* Unite humanity to cast off darkness in all its forms;* And a hundred others.
All the time knowing, from all you’ve read here and elsewhere, that the Light has already won.



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