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DNA: a Galactic Blueprint and Portal, by Peggy Black, 25-1-25

Writer's picture: Drago KulicDrago Kulic

We are here once again, embracing you with our deep gratitude as well as our acknowledgment for your courage and willingness to anchor the intense energies that have been bathing humanity. These energetic rapids that you have been navigating are beginning to soften.

The celestial energy waves have been anchored into the matrix of Earth. These vibrational seeds have been planted in the consciousness of humanity. Now these seeds of awakening must be nurtured and allowed to come forth. This process will be unique to each individual, the process, however, has begun.

There are those reading these words who are aware and who have welcomed the recalibration and the reset. Even if you are unsure just what that means, your inner knowing and awareness realizes that something profound has happened.

You can begin to nurture your own transformation and recalibration. Imagine that the galactic waves that you experienced triggered latent aspects and abilities held in your very DNA. We have shared that your DNA is a galactic blueprint.

Your DNA is actually a portal, a gateway to access the higher dimensions. You are slowly and gently being invited to realize that you are a cosmic traveler. You are becoming aware that you are not limited the 3rd or 4th dimensions of illusions.

We realize that your experience of the 3rd dimension is very real. If you could, just for a moment, consider the possibility as real that it might be just a hologram or hologame. We know that statement stirs up all your limited beliefs and arguments, because from our observation, you do experience your reality as real and solid.

So we would like you to consider that the reality in which you are reading our words is just one reality. Now having put that aside in a place that is acceptable, we can invite you to expand your thoughts to the possibility that you are capable of moving to the higher realms of truth and light.

In order to nurture the recalibrations that you have experienced, in order to strengthen the expansion and uncoiling of your very DNA, it is important that you hold the thoughts and feelings of what might be possible.

You have been informed that your very state of mind as well as the emotions that are generated by those thoughts and beliefs affect the way in which the DNA of each and every cell responds. You are powerful in this ability to influence your own personal expansion.

So the galactic energy and gifts you just experienced jump-started your cosmic awakening. Many have called this the Christ consciousness and the Buddha awareness. We could also say it is you becoming aware of your magnificent multidimensional SELF.

We like the example of the caterpillar becoming the butterfly, for it is a simple illustration of what humanity, one by one, is experiencing. The caterpillar has no idea that it will be transformed into a SELF that can fly. Be aware that you cannot talk butterfly language to caterpillar people

You are in the process, the wondrous exciting process, of becoming a cosmic being of pure light.

The goal is to understand that you are in a reality which exists in time and space, and also to acknowledge that you are free to move between the dimensions beyond time and space. It does not need to be either or.

While you are a willing Earth-walker here to contribute to the upliftment of the consciousness of humanity in the realms of cause, you are also an incredible being of divine light here to anchor a new Earth, here to transform all the misqualified energy that has held this 3D reality in the illusion of limitations.

Claim your personal power; know that your very DNA has been triggered to allow all your incredible gifts and abilities to come forth. This has taken place at the very atomic, cellular level of your being. The influx of gamma rays began the process of your DNA strands expanding from the double helix to your original multidimensional twelve strands.

We realize that what we are sharing might not be exactly clear to you. However, we want you to know that you are in the most astonishing transformation. There has been a tremendous shift, and you will begin to see what you might call miraculous changes occurring in your reality.

It is important that you own this possibility. It is important that you anchor this possibility of truth. Allow yourself to play with the possibilities of being unlimited. What would that look or feel like? Allow yourself to truly imagine awesome and magnificent possibilities.

Stretch beyond what you think is possible in your own personal life and experience, as well as the physical world in which you observe. Remember often that you are unlimited; you are awakening to your true essence of divine light.

Start your day by claiming,

'I AM fully embodied and anchored to this planet. I am my divine self in my physical form, always connected to divine source."

This is a powerful statement that brings your multidimensional divine consciousness into your physical form.

Continue to ask yourself how this reality could be even better. Begin to envision the very things you would like to see in your news. Remember to not push against the very things you would like to see transformed. Instead, envision true solutions to the issues and the challenges that humanity faces.

Remember that you are a part of the solution; you are not just an observer or a judge. Claim your personal power and awareness that your opinions, thoughts and feelings either amplify the misqualified action and event, or uplift and transform any pattern of violence, prejudice or hatred.

It is a shift that takes place internally within. However, once that shift has occurred, you begin to offer an attitude, a frequency, and a vibration that actually joins other similar vibrations of love and forgiveness in the collective…and a different reality becomes.

We invite you to begin to call forth your abilities and gifts that have been activated.

    Practice sending a mental or telepathic message to a friend.

    Give yourself a moment to mentally ask and know who is calling before you see the identity.

    Practice using your imagination many times a day.

    Allow yourself to see or envision an event unfold in a way that is pleasing to all.

    Spend a few minutes aligning your actions with your highest thoughts.

Realize that you are connected to the energy field of others, so begin to notice when you are still influenced by another’s attitude or emotions. The best and quickest method in dealing with this is to say often to yourself, “All energy that does not belong to me, I send back blessed and transformed. I call my own energy back blessed and transformed, and integrate it with grace and ease.”

This is like an energetic hand wash. Because your empathic or clairsentient abilities have been fully activated and are increasing, this is the first line of action that truly transforms and shifts the energy of the other.

Each time you send someone’s energy/emotions back blessed and transformed, you are offering them a blessing of grace, and you are doing your part in transmuting misqualified energies. Little by little, you are sending light packets of awareness to everyone you encounter.

Begin to engage with the quantum field in which you exist in a manner that is pleasing and nurturing, and for the highest and best for all. Remember you are a creator, so create supportive and life sustaining projections onto this quantum field and this hologame.

Be gentle with yourself allowing these internal shifts, gifts and abilities to softly unfold for you.

This is an exciting time, and we celebrate your expansion of awareness into the true starseed crystalline being that you are. We will continue to remind you of your true unlimited nature and all that is possible.

We are ever available, as are other beings of light and love in the non-physical realms. Invite us into your awareness, your life, and all that is occurring on your planet. Together, we will support the true awakening of humanity and ascension into the higher dimensions of love and light.

~ the ‘team’



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