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Divide and Conquer. Unite and Ascend – Part 1 & 2July 16, 2022 by Steve Beckow

Steve Beckow

I don’t think anyone knows what might be possible with real unity around the world.
The world has never seen it, to the best of my knowledge. Even during World War II, the so-called Allies were all serving their own agendas. (1)
They maintained a pretense of unity until the day the war ended. And then they split into new ideological camps and new empires.
If the Allied war effort did not display unity, what hope have we?
All the hope in the world – and off it. And it looks like under it as well.
Where should I start? You’ve heard me cite the Divine Mother on THE Plan. I can’t avoid citing her again here. All roads lead to the Mother/Father One. I apologize for the repetition.
Divine Mother: Make no mistake, Sweet One, Love will win because that has been my Plan always. (2)
Divine Mother: [I am speaking about] those in … positions where control and abuse of power have been rampant. That will not be the platform [from] which integration of the various galaxies takes place. That is not the Plan.
I know very clearly, sweet one, as do you, if it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur. (3)
By “integration of the various galaxies,” she’s referring to the population of the new space in consciousness that we’ll be creating when we ascend en masse and with our physical bodies intact (literally being “beamed up”). We lightworkers call this “Ascension.” We are the first into this new space. (4)
What else gives me conviction that the Light will win?
Well, since I’ve already mentioned one difficult subject – God – I may as well mention a second.
I’m also confident about the outcome because I know that the very galactic civilizations from whom homo sapiens as a race is descended will not allow anything to interfere with our upcoming consciousness shift.
Here SaLuSa of Sirius, speaking through Mike Quinsey, explains and reassures us:
“You do not exist by some freak of nature, and are not the result of natural selection, but purposefully and lovingly created to exist in your environment. You are a special species of Humans that have taken over from Cro-Magnon Man, and have been genetically engineered to allow for a speeding up in your evolution.
“That we would say has been particularly successful, and the proof lies in how many of you now stand in readiness for Ascension. On your part it is in fact a tremendous achievement, to have had lives during the darkest hours and to have risen up from them. You are now the untouchables and providing you keep your sight set firmly on ascending, nothing will be able to divert your attention from success.” (5)
Our star family is here unobtrusively cloaked in millions of ships. When Vandenberg Air Force Base fires an ICBM into the sky, they intercept it as is recorded on videos (shown on Larry King Live). (6) When a ship appears over an ICBM silo, all missiles stop working, as described by Capt. Robert Salas. (7)
The galactics, through their channeled communications, tell us they will not allow a nuclear bomb to be exploded or a world war to erupt. SaLuSa of Sirius explains. The God that he and Matthew Ward refer to is the God of this universe, not Mother/Father One.
“You have been prevented from destroying the Earth, as God decided that the destruction of another planet in your solar system would not be allowed.” (6)
“God … should be thanked for the assurance that you will not be destroyed in some cataclysm. It has been decreed how this cycle shall end, and only God can decide otherwise.
“You can therefore go forward with absolute trust and belief in the process of Ascension, that shall end your time in duality. No threats or occurrences can alter that which has been divinely decreed.” (7)
Matthew Ward adds his reassurance:
“In ruling this universe, God’s responsibility is adherence to those laws set by Creator [the Creator of All, Mother/Father One], including Creator’s one exception to honoring free will choices: There will be no more nuclear detonations in space.” (8)
“Please have no fear that Russia or China will start an armed conflict with the United States that could burgeon into a nuclear war. Despite the rhetorical posturing that some of your analysts consider worrisome, none of those countries’ leaders wants to become embroiled in a war that could imperil the world.
“And, if any other country or rogue group were to send up a missile with a nuclear warhead, ever-diligent crews in spacecraft surrounding Earth will prevent its detonation.” (9)
So all the posturing and pretense of launching a “nuclear missile” is simply stagecraft, strutting upon a world stage with bluffs and threats. In my view, it’s our job to draw together and away from dark machinations and narratives.
PART - 2
For me, the last word on what’s ahead comes from the Divine Mother, through a credible channel.
It’s enough for me to know what the Divine Mother has in store for us. But before I turn there, let’s hear from my twin flame, Annastara, on what Gaia’s original mission was:
Annastara: When she has birthed the planet – when Gaia – this beautiful Archangel – has said, I will in fact assume a physical form – and what I will do, is I will be a house – a place for your angels and energies to come and play and have a physical experience of Love, of Joy, of Oneness. (1)
Now we’re returning to that original Garden of Eden and its purpose – a place for angels and other non-physical energies to come and experience love in physicality.
The Mother through Linda Dillon tells us how she’ll work the return from the standpoint of Earth’s human population:
Divine Mother: The plan has always been one of union and reunion. (2)
DM: This drawing together of people is how Nova Earth will be built and Ascension occur. (3)
DM: So, yes. It begins small and it continues to expand out. It is really a very simple plan. My plan is for the entire group of humanity to fall in love. And I do not mean in the old way, I mean in the cherishing, the freedom, the liberation, the co-creation. And it begins two by two. (4)
So it’s our increasing unity that will create the love – not ordinary, everyday love but something transformative and transfigurative – that lifts the population of the planet. That plus generous help from the Mother, the angelics, and higher universal civilizations. That’s the Plan.
And just as Gaia was born as a playground for the angels, the angels, apparently, are back (that’s us). As Archangel Gabrielle said:
“You are angels in form dancing upon a planet which is an archangel.” (5)
Apparently, she meant it literally. (6)
So without these three players – the Divine Mother, the angelics, and the galactics – this planet would not have survived. (7) And within their sheltering arms, everything else – the fall of the cabal, the ascent of the masses – takes place.
The Illuminati I’ve described in The Hidden War. (8) I have to leave it to others to describe the Earth Alliance. I don’t feel well enough versed to tackle the subject.
But this is a glimpse at the assurances of the invisibles, whose impact on events could not be more critical and which goes largely unnoticed.
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