Elena Danaan has been interacting with multiple extraterrestrial civilizations since she was first abducted by Gray extraterrestrials at age 9 and then rescued by human-looking members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. After working for nearly two decades as a professional archeologist, Danaan renewed her communications with the Federation in 2020 and has since established communications with other organizations such as the Council of Five, the Intergalactic Confederation, the Nine, and returning Anunnaki associated with Enki/Ea on their flagship, Nibiru.
In this interview, Danaan explains the agenda of various non-human entities that have infiltrated human society which include clones and synthetic AI replicas of Nordic aliens. She explains out some methods for discerning between these fake cloned/AI versions from genuine human-looking extraterrestrials. She also addresses how a disclosure plan she was told about in January 2023 is still unfolding, with the latest example being an unknown pulse sound emanating from the Starline spacecraft scheduled to return from the International Space Station. She asserts the sound is similar to what is heard inside ships belonging to the Intergalactic Confederation and space arks.
Importantly, Danaan explains how claims that Gray extraterrestrials experience splinter factions, some of which allegedly support humanity, is not possible due to the Grays’ hive mind consciousness. She points out how, in nature, examples of hive mind collectives, such as bees and ants, do not have splinter groups breaking away. On the contrary, any members or groups that become separated from the collective quickly die out. The only instances of ant or bee collectives separating are when new queens mature and take some members of the collective away to start a new colony. Danaan concludes that claims that some Gray splinter groups, such as the Domain or Essassani, wanting to help human evolution, are actually part of a deception aimed at allowing Gray hybrids to infiltrate Earth.