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Writer's pictureDrago Kulic

Day 1 TO 5 Video - 36th Annual World Congress on Illumination, by Patricia Cota-Robles, 18/10/22

Updated: Oct 20, 2022

Through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, we will Cocreate the Divine Matrix that will allow Awakened Humanity to begin tangibly manifesting the sacred space for a "Generational Changing of the Guard". This Generational Shift involves billions of incoming souls and those known as Generation Z and the Millennials. These precious Sons and Daughters of God have incarnated in every country and in every condition and situation existing in the World. Millions of them are well aware of the urgent need of the hour and they are now standing in readiness to assume their place as Transformational Leaders.
Those of us who embodied on Earth to pave the way for this GENERATIONAL CHANGING OF THE GUARD are now being Called to CoCreate the Divine Matrix that will assist these young people to fulfill their monumental mission of physically Co-creating the Heart-based patterns of perfection for the New Earth. Each and every one of these precious souls have been uniquely prepared to become a steward of Mother Earth as she heals and is Transfigured into the perfection of the New Earth. This is true whether or not they are aware of this just yet on a conscious level.

Day 1 - 36th Annual World Congress on Illumination

Day 2 - 36th Annual World Congress on Illumination

Day 3 - 36th Annual World Congress on Illumination

Day 4 - 36th Annual World Congress on Illumination

Day 5 - 36th Annual World Congress on Illumination

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