“Dawn” (not her real name) contacted me after a recent Federation of Light message on knowing. She knew what the FoL were talking about.
I asked if we could post something of her writing and she agreed.
Merging with Our Mighty I AM Presence – Doorway to Our Higher Selves
Hi everyone, this is one of the doorways to our higher selves/aspects. It’s incredibly magical. This was channeled on a White Eagle site no longer active and was posted on a list i belonged to some years ago.
This meditation or exercise can be made as simple as one wishes; it always works, it was through this meditation that i was merged with my higher self otherwise referred to as our Christ Self. You can tell when you are merged with your higher self because, when i used to do a decree or such, suddenly my voice changed and i couldn’t at first figure out why that would happen or whose voice it was……..
Although it does not refer to it in the meditation below, i chose to take my precious Inner Child/Ego with me on a few visits by stating I intend taking my inner child with me, and it was during one of these visits that i was told to leave her behind where she received healing and refinement and was then merged back with me.
One of the major obstacles in moving forward or outward is that our inner child/ego has not been healed. It depends on where one is on the path. But, let’s say you start at level/floor 12 in the below meditation/exercise, then it can be that, on the next visit to your Mighty I AM Presence, you will notice, sense, see or just know that you are on a higher level/floor till you reach level/floor 33.
This is a real level. It is the Cosmic Level. Its actually also the octave of the Master Builders. So here one can in fact see how one progresses along the path. This certainly brings about the expansion of consciousness otherwise referred to as Ascension.
Besides being merged with our Higher Self/Christ Self one begins to remember our higher aspects or even our soul aspects. Our soul is made up of 12 aspects; i.e., there are another 11 you’s residing concurrently in different levels of reality dimensions.
Once you get to know who they are, you merge with them and work as one with them on your planetary tasks. Soul aspects are otherwise referred to as our multidimensional self and so when we get to remember who they/we are and merge with them then it is our precious Oversoul who works through us. Also then we are more in the fullness of our being.
Returning home is being merged back with our higher aspects and then we become more in the fullness of our Greater Self. So herewith for those interested.
All is done through intent as most precious Lord Kuthumi told us. Stating i intend is of such a high frequency that anything stated afterwards just makes it so. i told my precious inner child/ego i love her but now it is time for me to look after her and i visualized myself holding a small girl in my arms when taking her on a few visits through the heart to my Mighty I AM Presence.
Now i never did the breathing and counting. i did it very simply. You can intend it all the way and as you know Lord Kuthumi said that the frequency of the words “I intend” is so high that anything that we say after those two words it makes it so.
So, with just a little bit of imagination, i saw myself go through the doorway of my heart. i had a lovely garden with birds, the precious sun, a huge oak tree and even a fountain of the violet fire and i had a bench where i could sit in this park in my heart and this is where you can meet up with your higher selves any time you wish. i did not even have furniture in my crystal temple that i envisioned but Iidid have a main table with three candles, pink, pale blue and yellow, which are the colors of our higher heart the threefold flame holding the energies of our I AM Presence.
i truly have never come across another such magical meditation that opens up the doorway to ones higher selves and remembering our soul aspects that Lord Kuthumi says we have 11 other soul aspects/faces/multidimensional selves, and this also assists with healing one’s inner child. Normally there are people wanting you to do courses on this and charge money for the courses.
Embracing all in Pure White Source Light, Dawn
Procedure to Connect with your Mighty I Am Presence channeled through a White Eagle site.
Visualize your finer body entering a magnificent doorway to the Sacred Chamber of your Heart. You may envision this chamber to resemble a cathedral, a neighborhood church, or a chapel in the woods.
See yourself walking into the foyer and donning a white robe and sandals. Enter the narthex of the church and walk down the aisle to the chancel.
Take three steps upward to stand in front of the altar. It is appointed with decorations that you have specified. Notice the bowl of white shimmering light that is holding a three-partite flame. One flame is pink, the center is yellow and the other is blue representing the Trinity of God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit, or Power, Wisdom and Love. This is the flame of God that each of us carries, as that spark of Divinity, which makes us in the image of our Creator God, our Mighty I AM Presence.
Now look to the right and notice a door. This is the door that usually the minister or priest uses3 to enter the chancel. Instead, your Beloved Christ Self walks toward you. She/He resembles you and in some cases is the younger version of you.
Your Christ Self is going to accompany you up the crystal cord much like a fireman’s pole in reverse. Take her/his elbow and slowly begin to move upward. As you progress, you pause at a platform. This is the place where your Christ Self hands you a Violet Cape to place around your shoulders.
This cape allows you to more comfortably to stand in the presence of the higher frequency/vibration of your Mighty I Am Presence.
Now continue upward and you will sense a distinct energy change. You are now in the presence of your Beloved Mighty I Am Presence. (pause)
His smile is so incredibly all enfolding giving you a deep sense of peace, serenity and Divine Love.
Perhaps He will speak to you, much like with these words:
“O, Soul of my heart. I have waited for you to come to me for so long. I am so very happy to see you standing here. As a gift, I will present to you a Perfect Finer Body. This will affect your physicality giving you a greater vitality, better health and stamina to complete your Divine Plan.”
Will you take one step toward me and then one step to your right. (As the soul does this, the finer body she/he came with dissolves and a perfect finer body is standing there now).
“Now my Soul, I am going to place your hand in the hand of your Holy Christ Self, who will be your guide and assistant to return often to visit ME, for I have many things to share with you of your long soul journey that will awaken and enable you to bring your gifts and abilities into the physical plane.”
“I will bid you farewell for now (He bends toward you and kisses you on the forehead). You may return with your Holy Christ Self often.”
After bowing with gratitude, you slowly descend to the platform once again. After handing over your violet cape to Christ for safekeeping, you continue downward until you are fully in the cathedral. Then you bid your Christ Self farewell and replace your gown on the hook and you exit the cathedral doors and walk down the steps. You return to the place of your meditation fully grounded.
If time permits, sit quietly with meditation music and ask your Mighty I AM Presence to come down the crystal cord until you feel a warm feeling, perhaps in the back of your neck, your spine or solar plexus. It is the solar plexus where your Mighty I AM Presence will anchor His Presence, until such time that you are able to fully merge with Him and hold the light with equanimity. This takes time and many individual merging sessions like this one until your body adjusts to His light.
Have a pencil and paper nearby and write down the thoughts that come to you. It helps to lower your brainwaves from the beta frequency, which is our everyday workaday frequency. Count backward 5,4,3,2,1 and say…..alpha (second lowest frequency; count backwards 5,4,3,2,1 then say…..theta (which is the preferred frequency for meditation). This will preclude any interference from the ego, as he cannot function in those lower states.
This lowered brainwave/frequency will assist you in “hearing” your Mighty I AM Presence. Ask for all static and interference to be cleared. Then begin to speak aloud or write down His greeting and message.
Remember……YOU ARE A SPARK OF GOD AND AN HEIR OF ALL OF HIS GIFTS including the ability to channel your own Mighty I AM Presence directly. Do not give up, be patient and do this meditation two (2 x’s) times a day. Success is yours. YOUR COUNSEL FROM THIS MOMENT ON IS THE GOD WITHIN YOU! (1)
(1) Explanation: This procedure for contacting and connecting with your Mighty I AM Presence was given to Beloved White Eagle of the Rockies in 1982 by her twin flame, Ascended Master Lord Confucius.
She taught it to her students in the Advanced Leadership Training and those who took this gift and “ran with it” now hear clearly, have daily sessions with their Mighty I AM and are moving with the feet of God Mercury towards their full merging (Ascension) with their Mighty I AM Presence and dwelling in the Ascended Master realm wholly Ascended and Free!
Lord Kuthumi states the number 33 Seals the deal, it is also the Octave of The Master Builders.
Kryon states 33 is called a master number. It is not to be broken apart numerologically but you could still look at the attributes of 3 alone, Three alone is a catalyst energy, a catalyst energy changes things around it. When you put two threes together they represent one of the highest energies on the planet. It is so high that it’s the last Master number that is definable by humanity. This definition is not about the human being. It’s about an attribute. 33 is defined as the passion of the Christ, not the man but the attribute (noun, compassionate redeemer). The passion of the Christ – is there anything higher than this?