Steve Beckow

As seen from a higher dimension, the physical universe is inside us; we transcend the dimensional world
Since June 12 of last year, when I realized what Michael wanted from me (and his many other co-creative partners, here at this time), I find myself responding now to inner currents rather than outer. (1)
I go where I’m drawn. And right now, I’m being drawn to fill in a very large crossword puzzle called the rebirth of the growth movement.
At the same time I don’t have the leisure to do extensive research. I’ll have to do it on the basis of insights, precepts, and experiences I can recall.
Download Let’s Go! Let’s Grow! Vol. 1 Awareness here:
My purpose, as always, is to stimulate others who do have the time for research to develop the fields I point to – cross-cultural/interdimensional spirituality, trauma therapy/vasanas/purification, the divine qualities, the flow of love, etc.
I cannot but mention the subject of love and I’m in the very flow of it. It crept up on me from I know not where.
Love is the great Fact of the universe.
All roads lead to God, by one detour or another. But love is the expressway.
I said in another place that, in approaching this subject, I’ll be following John Enright’s formula of awareness, responsibility, and communication.
Let me start then with awareness.
I used to call awareness “dissolutive.” Apparently I’d made up the word.
I was seeing that awareness dissolves. Why and how it does I don’t know. I held this opinion for many years, feeling quite lonely, until I came across a passage from Jesus in which he states the case very clearly:
Jesus: You have to realize that consciousness is something very powerful. It is much more than a passive registering of an emotion – consciousness is an intense creative force. …
Consciousness is not something static; things do not remain as they are. You will notice that if you do not nourish the energy of the emotion or of your judgment about it, they will gradually dissipate. …
Awareness transforms – it is the major instrument for change. (2)
Yes! That’s such a pregnant statement: “Awareness … is the major instrument for change.”
The way I used to see it was as if I was painting something with awareness and watching it dissolve. Awareness was like paint remover.
And here’s Thich Nhat Hahn. Credit:
It’s quite the contrary with resistance. Instead of remaining passively aware of the condition, in which case, we’ll speed its departure, we wrestle with it. We resist it. And as Werner Erhard observed, what we resist persists.
If we’re wrestling with something, we’re giving it energy. We’re hanging on to it. And it’s obligingly staying around.
Let me stop here with having introduced what I see as the three major divisions of the growth movement’s philosophy: awareness, responsibility, and communication. And having said a few words of introduction to awareness as an area of emphasis, as I recall it.
Awareness of what?
Awareness of Self. Only Self. We’re not minding one another’s business or telling one another what to do. Those days are gone.
We respect the Law of Free Will and realize that everyone is on their own journey back to the One.
Why awareness of Self?
Download Let’s Go! Let’s Grow! Vol. 1 Awareness here:
Because life has a purpose. That purpose is that God should meet God the moment you realize who you are. And for the delight of that meeting was the world of matter (mater, Mother) created. (1)
We evolve from no-self-consciousness to self-consciousness to Self-Consciousness and beyond. Always we’re realizing who we are at deeper and deeper or higher and higher levels.
Bestowing awareness on our issues, resentments, and other persistent items that obscure the light of the Self, we watch them dissolve. We don’t replace them with anything but welcome the space thus created. Our faith is that love will rush into any space created.
In the beginning days of our three-month residential encounter group, we wandered around saying “I am aware that I….”
Even practicing self-awareness every day, it took me half the residency – six weeks – before I became aware that I was out of touch with my feelings. I didn’t know how I felt.
Awareness clears away obstacles to the experience of the love that always flows inside of us, in our hearts. There are other ways – forgiveness, service, sending out love to the world. But self-awareness, in the course of its very operation, draws us directly back to our source and destination, which is who we always, already were and are.
The path of awareness is very much experiential. We recognize the importance of knowing how we feel – and why.
We find, as we become aware of one script after another, of one core issue and automatic response after another, our facade begins to crumble.
For the most part this occurs as a result of the release of muscular tension in the body. While that can happen as a result of bodywork, rebirthing, bioenergetics, or other disciplines, I want to focus attention on telling the truth.
Telling, the truth, sharing a withhold, etc., sets us free from the lie we’ve been protecting. Protecting a lie requires, partly, muscular tension. We have to literally hold ourselves back from “spilling the beans.”
When we either tell the truth or share a secret or withhold, we release those muscles.
As we do so, we find our awareness increases.
To summarize, awareness increases, we find, inversely proportional to the decrease of muscular tension in the body. And it’s the truth of the matter that sets us free.
Download Let’s Go! Let’s Grow! Vol. 1 Awareness here:
Download Let’s Go! Let’s Grow! Vol. 1 Awareness here: