Steve Beckow

I’ve been asked on occasion, what is the service agreement of a “pillar”?
May I give my answer? Just my own guesses.
A pillar is a category of service whose basic agreement is to go last.
After all have ascended who have enough light in them to tolerate and benefit from the higher realms, then the lightworker pillars will close up shop and turn out the lights.
Ascension itself is inclusive, not exclusive. It includes everyone who has or can hold enough light to exist on the higher planes. Matthew once said:
“Your ‘travel ticket’ is the absorption of light that comes automatically with living in godly ways.” (1)
That seems like a pretty clear statement. Ascension is open to all who have absorbed enough light to enjoy life on a higher dimension. To use words we’ve been using on the blog, it comes from living from the divine qualities.
Here are some comments Michael has made to me on the subject of pillars:
Archangel Michael: I remind you that you are a pillar, that you [are] not [to] venture too far ahead of where people are, both individually in terms of your smaller circle but also in terms of the collective. (2)
AAM: You are a pillar. You are an anchor. … Our desire is not to separate you from the collective. (3)
AAM: Think of a pillar as being … the rearguard but you are the rearguard not only as holding space, but think of it as no one gets past you. No one is behind you. They can’t escape. (4)
No one falls off this train to glory. The pillars catch them and help them back aboard.
In my view, we can’t, as lightworkers generally, treat this lifetime as an ordinary spiritual venture from any angle. In an ordinary lifetime, if we were spiritualized humans, we’d focus all our attention on becoming enlightened to the next level.
Since all of us are angels in this generation, (5) the discussion is moot. We’ll all return to our homeland, Michael has told me, beyond the range of human enlightenment.
AAM: It is not necessary for those of you, for example, who have been [angels] to reincarnate again and again as humans because you have assumed that form, or that you have need to go through the entire process of the angelic realm. You will zoom through it. You will what we are calling leap-frog through it back to where you were, back to who you really are. (6)
Evidently, we come from further than the post-dimensional Transcendental. (7)
We consented to take on the veil and be born into an existing human culture. And so, in the last analysis, I’m not really writing to us as much as I’m writing about us to future generations of that culture.
We’re all angels in human bodies, apparently, committed to giving Gaia a timeout from millennia of warring, to restore herself and regroup for the next part of the journey. Where she goes, war cannot follow.
Michael said he sought angels so that the leap represented by this particular, “ground-breaking” Ascension (8) is not quite as great as it would be otherwise:
Archangel Michael: The awareness, when you choose to acknowledge it, and the, shall we call it, the angelic abilities, are present in the human race, in the individual human form at this time, so that the leap into Nova Being is in fact not as great as it might have been in other ages. (9)
They didn’t send terriers; they sent bulldogs. The strongest of the strong, bravest of the brave, the Mother calls us. (10)
Ancient ruling classes are being pried from their seats of power. Remaining 3D karma is being acted out.
However, those who agreed to play the part of the dark actors forgot about their agreement to change sides after a certain point, Matthew tells us:
“Vital to the plan were souls who would create the harsh circumstances the masses needed and when that was completed, join the light forces. Only the most highly evolved beings could be entrusted with those missions, and the council selected the volunteers whose dependability in the most challenging areas of light service had been proven time and again.
“There was no reason whatsoever to anticipate that they would renege on the latter part of their agreement, but that is what happened. Those individuals had fallen under the spell of the darkness that engulfed the planet and they refused to relinquish their power, control of the masses and fortunes gained illegally or immorally. No amount of urging at soul- and conscious-levels, pledges of assistance or warnings about self-judgment in lifetime reviews convinced them to honor their agreement.” (11)
These may turn out to be among the very people pillars push aboard the train. What a challenge that would be.
For anyone who feels moved to serve humanity, or the animal kingdom, or anyone else – just to serve – unto Ascension, then, as far as I’m concerned, you’re a pillar.