Valerie Donner

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I’ve been working full-time with the Earth Council for the ascension of the Earth for many years now.
As you can feel, we are very close to the Earth’s ascension. Many have the sense that something big is about to occur. I know you have your eyes on the prize and your hearts in the Golden Age. The fifth dimension is far more than a temptation, it is a reality. It is your future where you will reside as your future self in all of your glory.
The Earth is being expunged from the darkness. The Earth is preparing to bask in her own glory. At this point, we are pleased to say that many of the dark elite have been stripped of their power and are in the process of being located where they deserve to be. Their minions are still attempting to be in control to little avail. They are doing negative things to stress the planet and humanity.
Most of the ground crew are already conscious and are residing in the fifth dimension. This means they are residing still in the physical form but consciously living in the fifth dimension and higher. This can be challenging for the physical body but you are adapting and adjusting with all of the assistance that can be given from the Light Realms.
Little by little, and faster and faster, you have noticed that life is no longer the way it used to be. The material world is not in sync with higher consciousness. This results in breakdowns and also the magic of breakthroughs. These come when you have stark realizations of more of your gifts and your abilities.
Your true power is rising in your heart from the Creator within. The light is formidable. Feel it and look into your heart. Trust what you feel and what you know inside. This is about releasing the past and speeding into the future. The old way no longer applies.
The entire populace of the Earth is beginning to see the truth and it is shocking. Much more of this truth is rising to the surface. They are in shock and are feeling anger and outrage. Some have felt despair, or are beginning to feel it. Our beings of light, the ground crew, are prepared to show the way. They can point things forward into the new era. They can remind others to not reside in fear.
We remind you to stay in balance and harmony. Please do not let forthcoming events and predictions throw you off or put you into fear. Focus on your power and your ability to adapt to whatever energies and events present themselves.
You were designed to be on the planet now. Please understand that you will get through this and that you are ready for things to change in the blink of an eye. I would say that you are more than ready for this change because you have completed what you came to do.
We are with you and are so grateful we are working together as a team. Soon we will be celebrating with the glory of creation.
We are together and I am sending you joy, love, peace, beauty, abundance, healing, strength and activating your power within. I am Mira.