Valerie Donner

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I greet you with all the love in my heart today and send you joyful, harmonious energies.
You are going through a pivotal point in the ascension process. Yes, everything is being stirred up within you, around you and everywhere. It is time for listening within and around you. Your awareness levels have been upgraded. Your bodies are being upgraded. Your sensitivities have expanded significantly. Time as you used to know it, is no longer. Attempting to adhere to the old timeline is futile. Hanging onto the past is irrelevant. This is about moving into the future and finding out who you really are and becoming your future self.
Special accommodations have been made for you so that you can adjust and adapt into these new energies. We will always take care of you and assure you that you are in our loving hands. Please know this is the time to let go and to know that reverting back to the past is no longer an option. It is over and you are speeding in to the new.
The past is going to be re-created as each of you awaken into the profound awareness of who you really are as a masterful Divine being. Your guides, teachers, masters, star beings and galactic friends are all around you. If you breathe deeply you will be able to feel their presence. You are not lightweights in this process; you are the light. We can find you anywhere and many of you are everywhere.
Right now most of you are only partly in your physical body. You are on the Earth just enough to fulfill your obligations. This is the transition time. You know how strange it feels right now. Everything is different. You are in the crux of the great awakening. Miracles after miracles will surround you. Whatever you need, you will have. Most importantly you have each other so this is a time of gathering. The ground crew are coming together in groups whether it is in a physical, or in the online version.
With each new step you take and new thought, the new version of you becomes more manifest. As the takedown of the dark occurs and the truth comes out, you become your magnificent self. You are stepping in to the truth of who you are and what you came to the planet to do.
We recommend you reach out to each other. Give each other a hand. Keep your heart open. Continue listening within to what you are guided to say and do. Stay away from fear and help others to do the same.
This is the perfect moment for you to reveal your powerful light. This is ignition time to light the fire of creation within and change the planet. It is your purpose and you are being called into action. You have strength in the light. Remember who you are, ground crew. We rely on you.
The Earth Council is pleased to be in partnership with you. Fly on dear ones. Spread your forgotten wings and do what you know to do. Everything is now being revealed. You will find your place where you are needed and you will do what is necessary.
I am Mira and I love you dearly.