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A Transmission from Beloved Mira from the Plediadian High Council through Valerie Donner on October 2, 2024

A Transmission from Beloved Mira from the Plediadian High Council through Valerie Donner on October 2, 2024

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. As you know, I am working full-time with the Earth Council for the Earth’s ascension, which is close by.
We have been preparing for this miraculous time for the Earth and all of life to become free again. This is part of the Pleiadian mission to assist other planets with their Ascension Process.
We know you well because we have studied you and the Earth for a long time. We have built up many reserves to assist you more with your process. All of creation is here for you. What happens with the Earth affects all of creation and we are ready.
Those who are absent of light have been sent packing, or are on their way. The frequencies of the Earth have accelerated to the extent that those of lower vibration can no longer be sustained on the Earth.
Soon there will be much to be discovered. You will begin to understand more of the complexities of this process. You will see how important the Earth is and you understand more of your importance to this process.
We are offering our assistance, along with many others, who are suffering from the negative forces’ resistance playing out on the Earth. Although it may seem dark and negative, all beautiful souls are being looked after and cared for everywhere the atrocities are happening.
Please stay in deep faith and use your spiritual gifts and abilities to assist. It is necessary that the truth be revealed in order for the Earth to be free again. Beautiful places like Lahaina, Hawaii and Asheville, North Carolina are examples of this. They are huge eye-opener’s for the world.
You can use these times to create your new world within and in the Golden Age/ 5th dimension. Stay out of fear and be in love. Remember you will be living in joy, love, abundance, beauty, harmony with all good things.
I am Mira sending you love and healing.

In Conclusion

Change and ascension are upon us. We are being guided and assisted by our Creator and all of the Realms of Light.
We have been working diligently throughout many incarnations as ground crew to bring this about to free the Earth. The light has already won and anything contrary to that is not true. We are stable and steady, mighty and strong, along with being unstoppable.
We have got this!
Love and all good things.
In the light,

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