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A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council, June 4, 2024 by Valerie Donner

Writer's picture: Drago KulicDrago Kulic

Dear Ground Crew:
Here’s the latest from Apollo: “Greetings. Today is a special day. Each day is becoming increasingly special. Have you noticed the energies and the frequencies are different? The time of speculation is over and a new reality is in creation. You are a part of it. You comprise the ascension energies. Your light contributes to this new exchange in the Golden Age of the Earth. Everything is lighter and brighter. The air is different. The light is different. You are different. You are filled with the brightest light and love of creation. It gets brighter every day. You no longer live in the third dimension, even though physically you are present on the Earth. You are living in the fifth dimension and higher. You are doing work that is of the utmost importance. Some of you may be aware of it and others may not. You are being acknowledged and honored for all that you are doing. Your presence at this time is extremely important and valuable. You are being guided every step of the way and you’re doing this in a different way. Your intuition and your heart are tuned in to the energies of the higher frequencies. This is beginning to make you feel more blissful and alive. Every breath you take is invigorating. You are finding it easier to tune in to your guidance and to do what comes next. It is an easier flow. This is how it is in higher consciousness and dimensions. The light leads the way and you are being led to a beautiful new world. Let go of the past. Be in the new time and do what is necessary to take care of yourself and feel good.”
How are you doing? Do you feel a little bit like you are living in the twilight zone? Yes, it is different and a lot is shifting. Some of you probably feel it in your bodies, notice it in your relationships and your jobs, clearly change is upon us.
Some of you are having a hard time being around other people.
One of the things that is happening now is the wrongs are being righted and you are going to see more of this. As the old ways crumble, and the negatives fall by the wayside, the playing field will be leveled and people will become happy again.
Do not focus on the external world, focus on the internal. Focus in your heart and in elevating the love that is there. This will bring forth your true self. You will no longer need to have to live in a false sense of yourself, or live in mechanistic time. You can already see that.
This is a time of clarity and grace. You are able to pronounce yourself free and to create your new life in higher consciousness. So remember where your thoughts go, your energy goes. You want to direct your thoughts in energetically appropriate ways so that you can rise up in your consciousness and in the light daily. You will be free of restrictions and control because you are being fully directed by the Creator. Everywhere you turn, if you listen to your heart, you’ll be guided to make the right choices and do the right things. Behold a new world is upon us.
The restraints that you have felt throughout this incarnation and many others, have been removed. The quality of light and love on the planet have surpassed anything you could have felt previously. It is truly a remarkable place to be now. As the light turns brighter and brighter, you will be astonished at how important your participation has been in this ascension process.
The galactic’s are fully present, and before you know it, they will be seen and heard. This is your galactic family and you have earned this connection. The time is now and love is in the air.
Wonderful beings like Lumina, who is responsible for the illumination of creation, are coming in to assist us in this process.
Here are some things that Lumina wants you to know:
Piercing the Veil
“The light is piercing the veil. It is removing anything which is not the light. From this time of completion of the veil and piercing the veil, you will begin to remember everything.  You will see light and be only the light as you are intended to be. It is piercingly bright and actively strong. The light moves brilliantly throughout creation. The Earth is ready for this to occur. It will be as if a switch is pulled and the codes were all turned on.  This powerful process will circulate energetically throughout creation because the Earth and creation are one. This is the smartest way for the dream to be ended. It will bring forth remarkable healing and unimaginable light filled promises you have been told about a long time ago. This is the point of magic and miracles. Without the veil you will be able to live freely, remember everything, and know as much as you choose to know. It is the big revelation. You will actualize what you choose. The flame from the fire  of creation will be burning fully. It will be like living in a higher elevation because there will be such an uplift. It will feel like you are one of the stars and you are. You are ready. And we will assist you in every way to adjust and adapt to this new way of being. Breathe it in. Feel it come in. Walk with it. Dance with it. Experience it. Become whole with it. You will feel the full effects of love in motion. The veil will disappear in completion. You are the ones in the higher elevation and we thank you.”
In The LightBy Valerie Donner
The light is Source’s playground.It is used everywhere.It’s opening and flowingTo create what is there.
If your life is in shamblesGo to the light.It will clear up the pastAnd make things right.
The light is the toolThat is as smooth as silk.It is round and smoothAnd from every ilk.
Picture yourself in the lightTaking upAll of the roomTo your delight.
Sprinkle it on your toast.Drop it on down to your feet.Move it forwardTo repeat and repeat.
The light lets you playIn every dimension.It is the pathwayOf your ascension.
Go to the playground.Climb up the ladder.Swing on the swings.Let go of things faster.
The light is your friendIn every way.When you live in the lightYou’re on holiday.

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner on June 4, 2024
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I greet the ground crew with my strong embrace. You are doing an exemplary job right now on the Earth. We on the Earth Council are pleased with the rapid progress that is being made at this time.
We know it has been a rather bumpy road with no sign of ending. We assure you this is far from the truth. Everything is happening at once and this is another reason the energies are chaotic and confusing.
However, humanity is wising up. Many are becoming more aware. It just depends on where you focus. Both sides of the news are askew and you already know that. There are many personal agendas that are being delivered to humanity right now. Each one is somewhat of a ploy to capture your energy to take your fear and use it for their own purposes.
We do not want you to allow this, so when it comes to fear we ask you to consciously let go of it. Do not feed that energy. This is important and it is part of your spiritual journey of moving into higher consciousness. There is a saying that I will share with you, “Don’t look at the alligators along the side of the road.” Stay on your direct path of safety and freedom. Do not give them any attention, or energy, and they will leave you alone. They do not know what to do without your fear and your energy.
The Earth has long been overwhelmed with aggression. This is dark and negative energy. This will be eliminated as you move into the fifth dimension and higher. Energies of power over others in any form will not be allowed! Pay attention to those who are doing this and know they will be removed. The Earth will become safe, still, peaceful, and harmonious, and each soul will be honored and respected. There will be no need for power over others, or aggression in any way, whether it’s an animal or some other type of creation. This is going to be a thing of the past.
I am Mira sending you all my love and support. You are making the Earth very special in many ways and you will know this as you progress.

In Conclusion
We are in our ascension process and moving rapidly forward and upward. The old world no longer applies as we make new choices and live in the Golden Age. We have many opportunities to live in bliss. There is a lovely new energy surrounding us. As we become even more conscious about the energy our frequencies change. The light becomes stronger.
Focus on the light and live in the light. It will guide you in everything. The light is the currency of higher consciousness. It contains a wonderful feeling like basking in the sun and being nurtured. The light is everything and that is what we are remembering. It is what we brought here and what it has taken for us to reach this point of ascension. It truly is a miracle.
Our Creator is pleased with us. We were especially chosen to do the jobs we’ve been doing, not just in this incarnation, but in many others for most of us.
Very soon our lives are going to become so much better and miraculous. Let your heart lead the way. Pay attention to every speck of light that you see. It has a message. It illuminates your pathway.
We thank you for being part of the ground crew and for doing such profound work.
I send you love and all good things.
In the light,



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