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9-7-22 : Mother Sekhmet , Maria Magdalena, & Sananda by Eli Galla

Writer's picture: Drago KulicDrago Kulic

Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sekhmet. I am so very happy to be with you once again on this Beloved call.

Beloveds, we see things escalating, day by day, moment by moment, on your Beloved Planet. All that we have been shining our lovelights on to engender and further bringing into fruition the plans for the implementation of NESARA are coming about in the divine rhythm, timing, & synchronization.

Beloveds, you are seeing signs very recently of long delays, that things are transpiring at an accelerated pace on your Beloved Planet. And when these actions of the Cabal become increasingly clear of their ill intent of their glitch to divide humanity into fear, disillusionment, & separation, it becomes increasingly clear that they do not have humanity’s highest & best interests at heart.

That they are just reciting the same old narratives. But they are extremely brazen in these days, because they are in panic mode. Their money has been cut off to a great degree. Their illicit activities need this money to function, to propagate itself. To create the control systems, that have given them an unfair advantage over humanity, with artificial intelligence, with black magic, and underworld power sources. This has played out for the last 26,000 years.

Now, you of course, you are at the end of this cycle, and you are feeling the consciousness rise, because all that has been created by the powerful, true intent of your hearts, in incarnation after incarnation, to maintain integrity, to win back your sovereignty in the 5th Dimension once again, is now becoming the dominant force of love & light throughout your planet. This is enabling the truth to come about on many fronts, and in many different ways. Through court cases, through live events, whereby it becomes increasingly clear the will of the people are making themselves known and heard, resoundingly so, all over your Planet.

Not just in the United States, but they are calling forth the truth to be made known, and for their leaders to take actions, that liberate humanity from these control systems, from the lies that have been perpetrated upon humanity, with these very illicit forms of lying, of deceiving, of using the institutions of society against the free sovereign will of humanity.

This is enabling them to call for a transition into the power of the love & light, that all of you Beloved Beings who have incarnated in physicality are waking up to. And more & more are waking up each & every day, because it is no longer a secret, that this jab is killing off many Beloveds. And that all of the saber rattling to bring about World War is just playing out a dynamic that humanity is over & done with.

There is no, and never really was no reason for humanity for humanity to be at war with itself. It was due to the control systems of this Cabal & the Third Dimensional Matrix. And now the feeling of love, the feeling of knowing the Truth, and empowering yourself, and all of humanity with the Truth, is creating this bond, this linkage heart to heart, and soul to soul, over liberating your DNA, and pushing forward up into the higher dimensions on this timeline.

All of the plans to implement NESARA are there Beloveds. And we are calling forth this Event of the Truth to take you, and us along, with you into this next phase of integrating Ascension Protocols. So here we are again in our mission of this NESARA meditation.

Let us join together Beloveds. Me bilocating my paw out to each and every one of us. And I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call to form our circle with.

Sending the energy around, from the left, to the right, combining our field of energy. Spiraling, from the center above, to the center below, in a clockwise direction, calling in the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, The Diamond Lights. The Platinum Ray of Lord Metatron, Arc Angel Michael and the legions of angels with the Blazing Blue Swords used as Lasers, Arc Angel Amethyst and the Angels of the Violet Flame, and St Germain and his Angels of the Violet Torch.

Feeling this energy with the speed, & accuracy of our thoughts, words, & actions, come forth in this Now moment to empower with Unconditional/ Universal Love in our hearts, and sending this energy down through the bottoms of our feet, into our center below, underneath the surface of the Planet, and into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core.

This is her heart center. We are feeling her love & her compassion, her wisdom, her commitment to all living beings on her planet, to bring forth this Ascension. We are sending her our love & light, our admiration, honoring her, sending her our respect into her heart. Rising up to the surface, up through the soles of our feet, and into our heart center, spiraling, from the left, to the right clockwise. Raising ourselves up in frequency and vibration into the 5th Dimension & beyond.

Lifting up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet. And with the power & the speed of our thoughts, rapidly rising up through the layers in the atmospheres. Coming upon multitudes of ships.

We have been observing the fireworks of increased energy dynamics on your Beloved Planet, with joy, & with celebration. As we hone in on my Beloved ship, the Nibiru. I am opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship, and now we are rising on up through, hovering in the airlock, as we touch down on the landing deck, that has closed beneath us.

Now we are making our way to an open elevator. We are all getting in, and I’m closing the door, and pushing the button to take us on up to this top floor. We are rapidly rising, going up through the many layers of floors.

Now we are coming to a stop. Opening the doors, and seeing, and feeling the Beloved Mentors who are there to greet us, And other angels and Ascended Masters, Commanders from the ships, Orbs who represent the bilocated consciousness of Beloved Beings, from other ships and other planets. And your ancestors, and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.

We are making our way into the middle of this room, and circling around the altar, where our Master Crystal sets. As we do this, the Mentors circle around us, and all of the other Beloved Beings form their circles. Yes, we have a full room tonight.

We are feeling these high frequencies of love & light, as we are sending the energy around in a clockwise direction, from our circle, to the outer circles now. Spiraling from the floors, to the walls, to the ceiling, absorbing the consciousness of these crystals, and the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings from all over Creation, that are joining together with us in this meditation, for liberation on Beloved Mother Gaia. For raising the level of consciousness all throughout your Beloved Planet.

So yes, they too can be upgraded in these high frequencies, by clearing out all of the Satanic influences of the Cabal, of the Black Magic, of the Artificial Intelligence that has created this barrier within the Universe.

Beloveds, this is where we ask you to make your intentional requirements, for what you want to create with the energies of this meditation tonight. It could have to do with having clearer communication of the Beloveds, that you interact with, each and every day, with having more intimacy, and free expression from your heart with your Beloved Family. Or having these aha moments, where your truly feel connected into Creator-Source. And empowering yourself with being at zero point, and enabling transmissions to pull your forth on this timeline, making choices that truly empower yourself. Whatever it is Beloveds, call it forth, and send it into the Master Crystal.

And for all of us on this meditation tonight, we call forth the Truth to be made known. We call for this bond, heart to heart, and soul to soul, as the unification of the minds and hearts of humanity come together in this defining moment of Truth. Enabling this Event of the Truth to carry Humanity into the 5th Dimension and beyond, to enable all of the provisions of NESARA to come online, to be the foundation of your 5th Dimensional reality.

We call for the Power of Love to make it so, from now on in each & every moment. Shining these intentional requirements into the Master Crystal to unfold in Divine, Rhythm, Timing, & Synchronization, and shooting them up through the tip of the Master Crystal. Up through the ceiling, the opening of the Nibiru, & spiraling it down in a clockwise direction. Down through the layers of the atmospheres, and onto the surface of Beloved Mother Gaia. And underneath the surface, and once again into Gaia’s crystalline core.

Being One with her heart center, and transmitting into the DNA of Humanity the call for Empowerment of the Truth, in this Now moment, to wake up all of those, who are sleeping, who are hiding behind the mask and the illusion of a safe space, while they are afraid and unsure of making their choices, as they carry themselves forward on this timeline, where so much is shifting, and the vibrations & energies are unravelling this illusion of this Third Dimensional Matrix.

We are spiraling the DNA of Humanity counter clockwise to remove this magnetism of fear, of keeping Humanity locked down in low vibration and frequency. We are seeing all of the curses & spells, all of the devices that have been engendered upon Humanity to only make you think, that you were one dimensional, and that your survival is the most important thing.

But Beloveds, Now you are rising up in frequency & vibration, and you know that you are interdimensional Sovereign Beings. The reason why you are here is to shine the lovelight on Beloved Mother Gaia, and all living beings on this Planet to wake up, and to empower yourselves to win back the 5th Dimension, to liberate yourself, and all of Humanity in climbing higher & higher in frequency & vibration, as you let go of all perceived limitations, all of the lies of the ego mind, that have kept you tricked, & tied down in Narcissism, vanity, and all of the lower levels of fear.

We are removing all of these obstructions. We are removing the contamination of your air, food, and water supply of your Beloved Planet, all of the toxicity. All of the plans to mutate your DNA, to spread the transhumanist agenda upon Humanity.

We are empowering our Free Will, our Sovereignty, and the Power of Love. Breathing into our hearts, into every Now moment, and radiating this lovelight into the hearts & minds of all of the Beloveds of the Collective Consciousness, into the hearts & minds of the children who have come here with more strands of their DNA activated.

We are empowering ourselves and all of humanity along with us to be in this Now moment, to release this illusion of the hologram. We are calling forth the propagation of the Truth. Each of you Beloved Beings empowering the Truth with your own narrative, in your own immutable style.

Raising the level of frequency & vibration. Letting all of Humanity feel this Moment of the Truth. We are shining this lovelight into the hearts and minds of all of those minions of the Cabal, because some of them are beginning to suspect that they have been conned with the lies, that their ego, their narcissism has tricked them into thinking that this was the only reality that they could create for themselves, of having material riches, but now that illusion is fleeing from their grasp very, very quickly.

They are being held accountable for their crimes, for their lies and deceptions. For their betrayals. We are shining our lovelights on their hearts & minds, for yes, them to wake up, for them to realize their truth, and to empower it in this Now moment, to free themselves from the control systems of the Satanic factions, of the Overlords of this Cabal, and as they do so to help humanity raise the level of frequency & vibration. Rising up ever higher, each & every Now moment, and enabling the Beloved Universe to feel this level of frequency & vibration, transmitting into each of the planets that are going through Third Dimensional tests & challenges of duality.

This is our time for liberation, for making the Truth made known. And we say, UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. Knowing that fear is a lie, and love is the truth of our True Divine Sovereign Nature. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.

Beloveds on this call tonight we honor you for being here, for being a part of these meditations. We are asking you to call us in, anytime you want to feel our love & support. Namaste & Goodnite, and now Maria is coming in.


9-7-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be with you once again. Beloveds, we talk about the Power of Love. That is what you are endeavoring to learn for your peace in this incarnation. All of your incarnations on what we call this duality life cycle, in these last 26,000 years, have been leading you up into this Now moment, where you truly empower yourselves, with this love & light that is the core essence of your being, with having no compunction into shining it forth & letting it become the foundation of your reality.

Be unafraid to breathe into your heart center, to be in nature, to feel the Sun on your face, to feel the brilliance of the light coming into your hearts, in such high frequency & vibration. You have been waiting for this moment, not just in this lifetime, Beloveds, but for so many of your incarnations on Beloved Mother Gaia.

This moment of Truth is upon you, and you know that when you allow yourself to feel this joy, this harmony with all of Creation, and to realize this Power of Love unfolding in each & every Now moment, whereby the Truth is making itself known, and that it is unifying the hearts & minds of so many Beloved Brothers & Sisters on your Planet. Because you have reached this point collectively, where you are saying enough is enough. We will not back down. We are united to take the power back on Beloved Mother Gaia, to create our reality that is in alignment with our needs, with our True Divine Sovereign Nature, with having healthy children, who will be able to procreate, with taking out & eliminating all suffering, all disease, all lies & deceptions, & being joined together with the Creator, with this high vibrational energy, that is the essence of our being, and understanding, once again, the Universal Laws that have been driven away from us.

Yes, this is happening Beloveds, because it is becoming so increasingly clear, that the people that are in control in many governments on your Planet have been led astray by their own disillusionment of their narcissism and their greed, and their hatred for themselves, & hatred for Humanity. But Beloveds, it takes this unification that is happening right now over the Truth, to raise the level of the frequency and the vibration, and to radiate it forth into the Collective Consciousness, to wake up those who are so afraid that they are holding onto the illusion of this mind control programming.

Now is the time to truly empower themselves, and whenever you, Beloved Beings, are in meditation, are enabling feelings of Oneness with the Creator, you are shining forth your love & light into the Collective Consciousness, and helping these Beloveds wake up, & take back their sovereignty.

Beloveds, it is happening. We are with you every step of the way. Call us in, as you go through these moments of preparation in allowing this Event of the Truth to create this bridge into the 5th Dimension, & empower all of the plans of NESARA that have been in motion.

It is time Beloveds. Let go of the fear, and feel the Power of Love. Namaste Beloveds, and good night. And now my Twin Soul Sananda will come in.


9-7-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I Sananda. I am very happy to be with you, once again. Beloveds, the Power of Love, yes, it is unfolding, and we are here now with you to remind you of how easy it is to let yourself to let go with your breathing. To allow yourselves to feel to feel into your hearts, to feel all through your energy fields. To allow your intuition to be connected into your Higher Self & your Guidance Team.

You have such power in this Now moment Beloveds, like you have not had before in this 26,000 year cycle. The higher light encodements, that are streaming in from your Galactic Center, along with the Solar Flares, that are being aimed at your Planet, from your Solar Sun, are raising the level of frequency & vibration to a level that has not been experienced on your Planet before.

It is when you allow yourself to slow down & relax with your breathing, to allow yourself to truly be heart centered in this Now moment. To be the compassionate observer of whatever words, thoughts, & actions, whatever ideas of creating your reality over come up, to allow yourself to feel this joy of being here in this Now moment. Because your frequency & vibration has been rising so steadily, through this Eclipse season, through the Lion’s Gate, and the different portals that have opened up during this calendar year.

Beloveds, you see events unfolding, and you see it becoming increasingly clear, that the Power of Love is uniting the hearts & minds of so many Beloveds on you Planet, and now is the time to relax, and allow yourself to be in the highest frequencies & vibrations, because Beloveds, this is your Mission. This is what has been enabling these events to change the complexion of your physical, material plane reality, by further revealing the lies & deceptions of this 3rd Dimensional Matrix Control System.

The Truth is being made known, but it can only happen to the level & the degree that is necessary, by you opening your hearts, more & more, by going with this Cosmic, Intergalactic flow of energy, that is waking up Humanity en masse, and allowing this Event of the Truth to be your point of bridging the 3rd Dimension into the 5th Dimension, where this Cabal and all of its evil, all its control systems, will no longer be a part of your reality. Where you can truly focus on integrating all of the later stages of Ascension Protocols. So that you can complete your Ascension on Beloved Mother Gaia.

Beloveds, this is happening. We are celebrating this Divine Moment with you, that is unfolding, and enabling more & more of you Beloveds to wake up, and to make to choices that truly empower yourself. We are in Mission with you, and yes your Mission is to just breathe into your hearts, and raise the level of frequency & vibration. It is already done Beloveds. You are Victorious in the Light. Namaste and Goodnite. We love you ever so much.


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