by Eli Galla
My dear beloved brothers & sisters. It is I Sekhmet. I am with you once again. I am very happy to be on this conference call. Beloveds, each and every moment these energies intensity all throughout your beloved planet. So many different events are happening, and court cases are being heard, more evidence is being brought about, proving which players of the Cabal are guilty, and more and more people are opening their hearts to the truth.
And allowing themselves to be awakened, to see the dynamics that have been used against them. And they are taking notice of who has benefitted from this rhetoric of the mainstream media, and all of the institutions, such as big pharma, and these so-called organizations, who consider themselves to be experts on health, such as the NIH, the WHO, and the CDC. And people are waking up, and seeing their culpability in the creation of manmade diseases, and not just this the China virus, but many different viruses, and many different vaccines.
And they are seeing the threat of continuity, about the ulterior motives of this Cabal to keep Humanity in low vibration, and to depopulate significant portions of the planet. And this is a significant slap in the face of many Beloveds, who have trusted blindly, who have believed that their politicians, their institutions have supported their best interest. Well, this has not been so.
And it has only been since so many Beloved Beings agreed that this dynamic of control, of censorship, of evil on the planet had to stop, who put their lives on the line by disseminating information, that they have done a considerable amount of research over. And who had connections within alphabet agencies, and all over industry, and different facets of life, of spiritual, financial, education, healthcare, etc.
The Truth has come out in droves in these last couple of years, where you have been in this First Phase of Ascension Protocols. And yes, you are tested to use your discernment, and to remember that Truth is a feeling within the four bodies of your being, and that you are being called upon to give your energy to what you resonate with as the Truth, and to develop a narrative, that carries you along this timeline. So that while being in Mission with raising the level of the Love and Light into the Collective Consciousness, you are able to keep yourself centered, focused, and balanced in the Now Moment, with being heart centered, with drawing to you the highest frequencies of Love and Light, of using the Law of Attraction to your benefit, and for all of Creation to benefit from these dynamics of empowerment.
This is such a very significant time for all of you Beloveds, all of the planet, and all over Creation, because what you are doing has never been done before. And this control system of the different factions of Satanists, who comprise this Cabal, who landed here from many other star systems, has had control of this planet, and this solar system for eons now. And it is time that Beloved Mother Gaia ascends, and that this bottleneck, that has been created, by Mother Gaia being a prison planet is no longer holding up the energies of all of Creation feeling these very significant upgrades.
Yes, twenty-two star races are invested in your DNA, and this is allowing, has allowed all of you to have such a depth and variety of experience, as you proceed along this timeline, and through this window of opportunity for Ascension at the end of this cycle, that you are in right now.
Beloveds, we say to you that your main Mission in this Ascension lifetime as being the Ground Crew with us has been to raise the level of the vibration, to radiate the love & light, that you are, into the collective consciousness, so that you come to remember who you truly are, as a divine sovereign being.
Now let us join together to form our circle, with me bilocating my paw out to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach around with your other hand for someone else’s hand to form our circle with in this meditation. And sending the energy around, from heart to heart, from the left, to the right, and spiraling our combined field of energy in a clockwise direction. Calling in the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness energy, The Diamond Lights, The Platinum Ray of Lord Metatron, The Blazing Blue Swords of Arch Angle Michael used as lasers, and all of his legions of angels, with Arch Angel Amethyst and the Angels of the Violet Flame, St Germain and the Angels of the Violet Torch, spiraling from the center above, to the center below.
Allowing ourselves to let go with our breathing, to be in this Now moment, into the deepest chambers of our heart. And now our sending the energy down through the bottoms of our feet, to our center below, underneath the surface of the Gaia, and into Mother Gaia’s crystalline core. Breathing into her heart, feeling her love, her devotion, her compassion, her wisdom, as she holds all of the energies of this planet. And has been in the 5th dimension for quite some time now. Pushing forth the equation of our Ascension Protocols with ease & grace. Sending her our love & light, and now rising up to the surface, up through the soles of our feet, into our high heart center. Sending the energy around, from the left, to the right. Spiraling from the center above, to the center below, in a clockwise direction. Lifting up off of the surface of the planet, with the power and the speed of our thoughts, rising up ever so rapidly through the layers of atmospheres.
And coming upon multitudes of ships, and honing in on my beloved ship, The Nibiru. As I am opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship. And we are rising on up, hovering in the airlock, while the landing deck closes beneath us. And now it is safe for all of us to touch down. And we are making our way to an open elevator, & all getting in, as I close the door, and push a button to take us up to the top floor here. Rising up very rapidly now, feeling weightless, and feeling our hearts full of joy. We come to a stop.
And we are opening the doors, and there are so many Beloveds here to greet us: The Mentors, Ascended Masters, & Angels, and Commanders from the ships, & orbs, who represent the bilocated consciousness of Beloved Beings from other ships, and from planets all over the multiverse. And yes, your ancestors, and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two. And now we are all making our way into the middle of this room, circling around the altar, where our Master Crystal sets. Forming our circle, The Mentors are circling around us, and all of the other Beloveds are forming their circles, and breathing into our hearts, and sending the energy around our circle, and to the outer circles.
And now spiraling clockwise, from the center above, to the center below, from the floors, to the walls, to the ceilings. Absorbing the consciousness of all of the higher dimensions represented in the crystals, and the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings, that are a part of this meditation tonight, whether they are bilocating here, or here with us in this room.
And getting into the rhythm of our breathing, allowing our hearts to expand into the highest frequencies of love & light. And now we ask you, the Beloveds on this call, to make your intentional requirements, for what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight in your own personal journeys. It could have to do with feeling more love & light in every Now moment, with letting go of all of the worries and doubts, with letting go of feeling controlled by the clock. And just allowing yourself to feel love, compassion, forgiveness, & gratitude in this Now moment, by letting go with your breathing into your high heart center. Whatever it is Beloveds, shine your intentional requirements into the Master Crystal. And for all of us on this meditation tonight, we once again call forth the Truth to be made known, and that Beloved Beings rise on up taking a stand against all of the corruption, all of the lies, and deceptions. And allow themselves to speak the truth from their hearts. To express with joy, with gratitude the playing out of their roles at this time, through these Ascension Protocols.
We call forth this event of the Truth. Whereby all of the factions of the Cabal will be held accountable, and that they will be taken off of the stage. And all of their illicit activities will come to a grinding halt, never to inflict suffering, pain, and necessary trauma on humanity: no more endless wars, no more addictions, And we call forth the fractalizing and disincorporation of this 3-D Matrix, all of its control systems, its delivery devices in this Now moment. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.
And now shining these intentional requirements into the Master Crystal, shooting it up through its tip. Up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru, and spiraling in a clockwise direction, down through the layers of the atmospheres, onto the surface of Beloved Mother Gaia, underneath the surface, and into Gaia’s crystalline Core.
And radiating the highest frequencies of love & light, all throughout the DNA of all of the Beloved Beings on Mother Gaia, We call for the release of all negative programming, of all devices, & delivery systems that have been perpetrated upon humanity, by this 3-D Matrix, and all of the Artificial Intelligence, all of the Reptilian Power Sources, that have allowed the secret nefarious practices underneath the surface of the planet to go on continuously, we call forth the elimination of all of the underground bases, of all ritual Satanic abuse, of all child & human trafficking, We call for the disincorporation of all Cartels, of all black ops projects. We call for the removal of anything less than love, from the 4 bodies of our being, our DNA, our energy body, and our energy field, from the past timelines, the present, & future timelines.
In this Now moment we call for the pure intent of love to radiate all throughout the conscious awareness of the collective of humanity, to eliminate all suffering, all war, all attachment, all fear & separation.
And we mandate that the truth be made known, and that this event of the truth, this near death experience happens with ease & grace, to enlighten the collective consciousness, to give us an automatic upgrade into the 5th Dimension & beyond. And we radiate these high frequencies of love & light. Spiraling all throughout the planet, through the center above, to the center below. In the highest frequencies of love & light, into the hearts and minds of all of the Beloved Beings on the planet. And into the hearts & minds of all of the Beloved Children, who came in with more strands of their DNA activated. Who can surely use our love & support to help them remember the power that they have, and the power that they to push forth this equation of unconditional/universal love & light. And to show us further & further how it will be done in the highest frequencies.
We call forth the acceleration of this Ascension Process. We call forth peace & harmony, forgiveness and gratitude for the opportunity of all of us being together here, as part of this Event of the Truth. It takes us into the next stage of Ascension Protocols, to accelerate the Ascension Process. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.
Beloveds we love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnight.
And now Beloved Maria Magdalena will come in.
6-1-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla
My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,
It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am thrilled to be here on this call with you.
Beloveds, the Truth is such a wonderful expression of Pure Intent, of Love and Light. All of you came into this lifetime. You volunteered to be here. You didn’t have to be here. But it is within the totality of the Love and Light that you are, that you felt called to do so, to be in this Event of radiating the Love and Light, of radiating Pure Intent to change the timelines in a very significant way, by your participation in coming back and following the Plan of the Elder Councils of Heaven, to radiate more Love and Light at this time, to completely eradicate the effects of evil, of darkness, on your Beloved Planet, to be a prison planet no more. But to be free, and sovereign, and thriving in the 5th Dimension and beyond.
But more importantly, you by your participation in being here, self-less, undeniable of the Power of Love, and being guided by the Higher Aspects of your Being, to take on this added responsibility of going through another lifetime, whereby you would be in amnesia. Once you started to grow, and your brain developed, and you reached what they call the age of reason, you would forget, and you would have to relearn. And you would have many tests and challenges, as all of you have experienced in this present lifetime.
But that did not stop you from raising the level of your vibration, from learning how to work on yourself, from doing your meditations, from feeling the Oneness with Mother Gaia, from being able to express from your hearts the Love and Light, that you are, and to multiply these high frequencies of Love and Light in person, with Beloved Beings over the phone, over the Internet, what have you, Beloveds. It is when you learned how to meditate, how to radiate this Love and Light, and to know that you were not doing it just for yourself, but for all of Humanity. And so many of you have had children and have gone through that yoga of initiation with being selfless, and radiating Unconditional/Universal Love, to the Beloved Beings who were brought in through you.
You have established this yoga for radiating the Love and Light throughout your Beloved Planet. And those seeds that were sown in that lifetime with myself, and Sananda, and Mother Mary, and Joseph of Arimathea, they have blossomed into the most beautiful of flowers. And when we offer you the Kumara roses, this is a remembrance of the work, that we have done together, radiating this Love and Light in the highest of frequencies, because Beloveds, there is nothing stronger than Unconditional/Universal Love. And you are a growing manifestation of that, as you travel along this timeline toward this Event of the Truth, and the acceleration of your Ascension Process, Beloveds.
We are with you. We are ever-so happy. We are in celebration of all of the Plans being in motion, and coming to completion in a most-harmonious way, to take you once again into the 5th Dimension, whereby you will be able to ascend.
Beloveds, we love you ever-so much. Namaste and good night.
And now my Twin Soul, Sananda, will come in.
6-1-22 Sananda by Eli Galla
My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,
It is I, Sananda. I am so very happy to be with you once again.
Beloveds, you are in Mission. And big part of your Mission has been to once again be part Galactic Federations. You used to be in these Federations, but then your planet got locked down by the Satanic factions of the Cabal, and you became a prison planet. And we on the ships weren’t able to intercede, until you were in process with your Ascension. And yes, the first step was the Harmonic Convergence, and then there were various steps after that, that significantly upgraded the energy on your Beloved Planet.
And the raising of the consciousness in the Collective, when there were people, who started to work together in Mission, to activate crystals, and lei lines, and to do the work of reprogramming themselves, and finding out the Truth, and disseminating that information so that you could transmit that Love and Light, through transmitting the Truth, all over your Beloved Planet. And in the last couple of years, this dynamic of radiating the Truth, in the highest frequencies of Love and Light, has escalated, whereby so many Beloveds have awakened, and your Moment of Truth, this Event of the Truth is getting closer and closer.
Beloveds, it is inevitable, because all of the Plans, that the raise in the level of consciousness have enabled from your work, from all of the Beloved Beings, on and off your planet, who comprise this Earth Alliance. Many choices have been made to implement NESARA, because you needed a Plan. And this Plan had started some 250 years ago with St. Germain and the Declaration of Independence, and then your Constitution, which was a document for the ages, a standard bearer of Human Rights, and of the central protections and of high conscious governance, for not just the United States, but for Beloved Mother Gaia.
And now, that original document, that will be empowered in a new way, a very significant way, whereby the tribunals will root out those, who have chosen darkness, and the architypes of Satan as their savior. And they will be removed. The 3D Matrix is crumbling, and disincorporating, and flying off into the ethers, along with the Artificial Intelligence that empowered it. And all of the black magicians are scurrying away. They will be dealt with too.
And Beloveds, the Light is shining ever-so brightly. We see it as fireworks going off, from the ships, where we are, and we cannot help but be in Joy, being in celebration for all that has transpired in these few short years, after you have won the passing of the Markers for Ascension. These events have escalated, whereby you have been in the First Phase of Ascension Protocols. And you are carrying your Mission forth.
Beloveds do not allow yourself to go for any of the fear mongering. It is all a lie. It is disinformation. There is no parallel to the Power of Unconditional/Universal Love. And we know that when you breathe into your High Heart Centers, you know this to be an essential Truth, with Pure Intent, this Love and Light that you are, as you radiate it forth, as an essential component of your Ascension Process, as your Mission, as a Ground Crew working with us, to liberate Beloved Mother Gaia, to once again be in the 5th Dimension, and accelerate your Ascensions on this Beloved Planet.
My Mary’s come to you in the middle of your circle. And they are handing to you the Kumara roses. Take as many as you like into your High Heart Center. Feel this frequency and vibration of Love and Light, of empowerment, of being in this Now Moment in Mission with us. There is no separation, Beloveds. We are victorious in the Love and Light, that we are radiating forth in each and every Now Moment.
Namaste and good night.