Ismael Perez
Steve Beckow :
I’m very much enjoying Ismael Perez’s intel. At one point he says:
“After the Solar Flash, Earth will be 5D.” (1)
Wow, did a penny drop on that one.
I’m not sure whether Ismael meant what I thought or whether it simply tripped an insight in me. It doesn’t really matter.
Is entry into 5D the same as Ascension? If we’re that close to events, then maybe it’s time to say, not necessarily, to those who find themselves in 5D but … not ascended.
To explain why, I have to compare our Ascension to the process in the afterlife. Much of the rest of this article will be about the latter process.
There are two different events that happen in the afterlife Ascension experience. First we find ourselves in their equivalent of our Fifth Dimension – the Mental Plane.
Speaking generally, Nicola Tesla says of it:
“The plane of thoughts [Mental Plane] is much more refined and powerful than the astral plane. It’s free of the emotional, sentimental swill most people thrive on, but which must be transcended if you are going to develop clear thought.” (2)
As he did.
While incarnated, Tesla spent evenings in 5D college apparently. He took his discoveries into the physical plane in his waking hours. (3) But I digress.
Second, we experience the loss of the astral body and Ascension proper – but only after the passing of a period of time.
During that period of time, we go through what the residents call “the Judgment,” which is a self-reflection and full-life review in which we experience all the emotions felt by ourselves and others in all the events of our lives.
During that period, we also detach ourselves from all remaining earthly and astral dross, much as we’re doing before our Ascension. (4)
Afterlife Ascension has never been described as happening upon simple entry into … let me switch now and use our vocabulary … 5D.
There is entry into 5D, but one still carries mental and emotional encumbrances from both the physical world and the astral.
The Judgment is our third life review. (5) In a life review, one experiences everything done to oneself and others.
Willam T. Stead, well-known journalist and spiritualist of his day, described the Judgment in general:
“When coming to this land, that whole record has to be dealt with. Not by a judge in wig and gown, but by our own spirit selves. In spirit life we have a full and clear remembrance of all these things and, according to the quality of these individual thoughts, so we are brought into a state of regret, happiness or unhappiness, despair or satisfaction.
“It is here that we meet with the desire to make return, to put right all the discomfort and distress, minor or major, as it may be, caused by thoughtless mind action whilst on earth.” (6)
And then “the Judgment” itself:
“On being established here, in the Real World [Mental Plane] each one is interviewed by one of the Advanced Spirit Instructors and the whole record of earth is discussed and analyzed. Reason, motive and result. The full and detailed record contains everything, there is nothing overlooked, and this is the time for paying the bill.
“Each is interviewed alone, and there is a minute analysis of all events, acts and thoughts. Then there is the making good to be gone through, the sum total to be paid … for all our thoughtlessness and our unkind acts and words – all that have had direct results must be paid for.
“We have then to spend time in close touch with earth, in order, by influence, to make good for our past misdoings; make good as far as possible. Also we have the knowledge and full sight of the results of these earlier acts, and they do not bring happiness; but after that state is passed and we can bring all these things into proper perspective and form a table of work, which will gradually and continually be working out the results and troubles we have caused, then we can each one settle down to live here in freedom.” (7)
So there is work to be done arising out of the Judgment.
Here are afterlife commentators discussing the shedding of the astral body that follows. Betty Bethard’s unnamed teacher:
“Once man has completed going through the ‘death” cycles’ of the earth plane, he never goes through another death cycle. When one advances through the various levels of the higher planes, there is an initiation which takes place which allows the soul to shed his ‘outer layer’ (as when he shed the physical body). The heavier matter which makes up your coat for one level is shed for a lighter coat when you move to the next. You shed your old beliefs and lessons and attune to your new body, a little like a snake shedding its skin.” (8)
Here’s American philosopher William James feeling his shedding of the astral fast approaching:
“I feel myself growing out of myself in a certain fashion. My adopted characteristics are becoming too small and cramped to contain my new growth and development, and I will move on most certainly to larger psychological quarters. It is not only the physical body we outlive, but the psychological house we have chosen. First after death we add new rooms and suites to accommodate our greater experience, but it is soon obvious that the entire structure has had its day. We must move out of it completely.” (9)
Finally here’s an actual description of the entry of a doctor from the Astral to the Mental Plane. Whether or not this was actual Ascension is undetermined. It’s sufficiently long that I’d best give it in the footnotes. (10)
“Sigwart” describes his stay in the first subplane of the Mental Plane, which I call the Vestibule. He’s not yet ascended:
“I am not in the so-called ‘Astral Sphere’ nor in the “Devachan Sphere” [post-Ascension Mental Plane] at present, but in a middle realm. I have advanced farther in a shorter time than many others because of my interest in everything spiritual during my life on earth. (11)
He must first pass through the Judgment, which he does:
“I have overcome most of the hardships now. I have passed a test. It was not easy but then the feeling of success is glorious. … The period of self-contemplation has ended. Part of my ego is still occupied with it, but for a few hours I may enjoy again the pleasures of sublime existence.” (12)
After his Ascension, which followed his stay in the Vestibule, he writes: “My true life has begun now; the dream condition has ended.” (13) Bravo, Sigwart! Now he has ascended.
Who cares about a matter like this?
We will care when some of us find ourselves in the Fifth Dimension and yet we’re not yet ascended! OMG. What went wrong and where am I?
It may turn out that the Wave of Love we’re expecting will give us entry into the Fifth Dimension. If so, it may or may not also result in Ascension.
That, as I hope this article makes clear, could come later. If so, nothing is amiss. This would be standard procedure on the astral planes.
Again it’s a personal matter. Some people will ascend with the boost given by the Wave of Love. (14) Others will have a separate Ascension, later. Some have already ascended.
Whatever the case, Ascension does not only depend on entry into the Fifth Dimension. It also depends on us experiencing the culmination of Ascension, a full and permanent heart opening. (15)
The heart is the door to the higher dimensions. And, now, the hridayam or heart door is fully and eternally open. Either once we’re ascended to the Fifth or the Seventh (I’ve heard both), there is now no obstacle to us visiting the higher realms. We now have access to all other doors