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4-24-24 Mother Sekhmet , Maria Magdalena, & Sananda, by Eli Galla

Writer's picture: Drago KulicDrago Kulic

Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters. It is I, Sekhmet. I am very happy to be with you once again on this conference call.


Tonight Beloveds, it is one day past your full moon. And the energies are a little bit different here because of what has been transpiring all throughout your Beloved Planet. You have protests. You have demonstrations all over the world. And now the weather in the Northern Hemisphere is getting warmer and it calls to people to be outside and participate in these protests, and these public gatherings, where people are either being paid to be there, or speaking their minds, and some are speaking their hearts.


But Beloveds, we ask you to consider the main part of your mission of being the ground crew is to keep it light, to keep yourselves in high frequency & vibration, to feel all these higher attributes of being in the 5th Dimension of ease & grace, harmony, joy, abundance, wisdom, mercy & kindness, etc. Because Beloveds, you are going to encounter some very angry and mad people before all of this is over and done with. You don’t have to buy into it.


You can allow yourself to be in this state of neutrality. You can allow yourself to let go with your breathing, and with what you say with your sound connected into your high heart center. Beloveds you have been awakened for quite some time, and now so many are right at the cusp of that awakening point. And with it comes the mandate internally connected into your I AM Presence and Guidance Team, to take positive action, to do the clearings on yourself.


All of these Beloved Beings who are waking up are starting to see a shift in consciousness whereby just a little bit of space opens up, and they are thinking, “Why is this happening.” And why are the same people saying the same things over again & again, & nothing changes?


This other side, it seems that they are changing very rapidly because they are saying things now they have never said before. They are saying that the reason why there is child trafficking, drug running, and open borders is because of the way that this Cabal uses the energy. They use the energy in such a way it enables them to stay in power by us paying their taxes, and witnessing their crimes against Humanity, and Treason.


We’ve been leading up to this point for quite some time now in these last 4 years when it was made manifest that what we were experiencing was a depopulation agenda.


This continues to be the case, and be as it may more & more people each & every day are waking up, and allowing themselves to breathe into their hearts, and let go with their sound, with their breathing, with moving the energy through their body with exercise & walking out in the country, being in nature, and feeling these high vibrations.


Because Beloveds, it gets to a point where the fear & guilt mongering. Oh, that’s much too serious. It’s a lie, and you know this deep within your being, You know that for you to thrive and be in high-frequency & vibration it is the only way that you can continue living a healthy life, and being there in the support of your loved ones, friends and family, whoever you feel close to. Whoever you feel connected to at a heart level.


This Cabal does not want you to be in that place of unconditional/universal love. They want you to be afraid, and so afraid that you let them take over the narrative inside of your mind, and give your power away to them. Well, this is a choice each and every one of us has had to make for a very long time, and we do not see you changing your narrative to disempower yourself.


We feel from what we are seeing that the narrative that you are giving your energy to is one of empowerment, unconditional/universal love, compassion, forgiveness, & gratitude, Beloveds.


Let us join together. Me bilocating my paw out to each and every of you. And I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call to form our circle with. Sending the energy from heart to heart, feeling this Oneness, this joy, this connection of being here together in this Now moment. Now combining our fields of energy into One.


Spiraling clockwise from the center above to the center below. Rising up in frequency & vibration. Allowing ourselves to be centered, grounded, & balanced in this Now moment.


Now calling in the rays of energy: The Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, The Diamond Lights, The Platinum Ray of Lord Metatron, Arc Angel Michael and all of his Legions of Angels using their Blazing Blue Swords as Lasers, Arc Angel Amethyst and her Angels of the Violet Flame, and St Germain and his Angels of the Violet Torch.


Now spiraling clockwise from your center above through your central column of energy, down through the soles of your feet, out through your center below, underneath the surface of the Planet, and into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. Here we feel Gaia’s Wisdom, Her love, her compassion, and her commitment to all living beings on our Planet to hold the energies of Ascension. And for Ascension en masse to be completed in this window of opportunity on our Beloved Planet.


We are shining our love & light into her high heart center, into her central core of being. And we are honoring her for all she is and all she does. Feeling this place of Oneness, of being on the same mission together to expedite Ascension en masse on our Beloved Planet.


Now we are rising on up to the surface, and rising up through the center below, through the soles of our feet, and into our high heart center. It is with the power and the speed of our thoughts that we are rapidly rising up off of the surface off of the surface of the Planet, lifting up in frequency & vibration and rapidly moving through the many layers of atmospheres, and coming upon the periphery of your solar system, where there are multitudes of ships.


I am honing in on my Beloved ship, The Nibiru. We are opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship. We are rising up through this landing deck, hovering in the airlock while the landing deck closes beneath us, and now it is safe to touchdown.


We are making our way back to an open elevator. All of us are getting in. I am closing the door and pushing the button, to take us right on up rapidly to the top floor, here. We are feeling this Oneness with the crew of the Nibiru, which number many Beloved Beings. Because they know we have come in, and they are One with us in supporting the energies of this meditation tonight. To bring about Ascension en masse on Beloved Mother Gaia, and free Humanity from the evil that has ensued.


Now we are coming to a gentle stop. I am opening up the door. The Mentors are here to greet us, Angels & Ascended Masters, Commanders from the ships, Orbs who represent the bilocated consciousness of many Beloved Beings, and many ships all over the Cosmos, and your Ancestors and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.


We are moving through the crowd into the middle of this gigantic room. And we are circling the Altar where our Master Crystal sets. As we do this the Mentors circle around us, and all of the other Beloved Beings circle around them to form their circles. We are breathing into our high heart centers. Sending the energy around from the left to the right from heart to heart, and soul to soul, through our circle into the Mentor’s circle, and into the outer circles.


Now we are spiraling clockwise from the floor to the walls, to the ceiling, Raising up in frequency & vibration, absorbing the consciousness of all of the Crystals that comprise this crystalline healing room. And we are absorbing the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings, either onsite or bilocating to us from all over the Cosmos. All of the dimensions of reality are represented. We are feeling this Oneness with each & every person on this meditation. Rising up in frequency & vibration to expedite Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet.


Now Beloved Beings on this call, this is where we ask you to form your intentional requirements for what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight in your own personal journeys. It could have to do with you feeling this connection on a stronger level with your I AM Presence & Guidance Team. With you feeling peace when you are meditating, when you are in nature, when you are letting go doing yoga, or exercises. Whatever it is Beloveds. Shine these intentional requirements into the Master Crystal.


And for all of us on this meditation tonight. We are calling for Peace. We are calling for an end to war, all warmongering, all guilt-mongering, all fear-mongering. We are calling for the Truth of who you all are to be implemented in this Event of the Truth. So that no more will you be able to be manipulated with secrets, ulterior motives, and secret agendas.


You will know what has transpired for the many thousands of years, from the start of this current civilization that you have been a part of, and how things have played out, And you will be able to see those behavior patterns being played out again & again, and you will get it. You will get how to stop these behavior patterns from enslaving you and enabling you to rise victorious over this evil that has propagated the psyches of Humanity for far too long.


And we are shining these intentional requirements into the Master Crystal, and shooting them up through its tip up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. Now we are radiating this love & light. Spiraling it. Descending through the many layers of atmosphere. Coming upon your Beloved Planet. Encircling your Planet with high frequencies of love & light. Intentionally requiring going into the hearts & minds of all of Humanity.


Telling all of Humanity not to be afraid to allow each & every Beloved Being of Humanity to be in this place of being heart-centered, of being in the Now moment, being at zero point, so that they can empty all of the negative programs of the 3-D Matrix mind control systems, and allow themselves to fill up with the light, and the highest frequencies of unconditional/universal love, so that their heart is overflowing in this Now moment, to empower themselves with the choices they are making in this place of clarity, understanding, & joy, & all of the higher attributes of being in the 5th Dimension.


Beloveds, this Cabal wants war, but we say no more war, no more lies, tricks, & deceptions, and Now we require the Truth, and only the Truth in every encounter, in every narrative to empower each & every Beloved Being of Humanity. The secrets are being made known of this Cabal and the heinous nature of their control mechanisms to enslave Humanity. And that it’s all been a gigantic con job not based on the Truth.


These fallen angels didn’t get kicked out of Heaven because they were telling the Truth. They were held accountable. They got kicked out because they were in direct opposition to the Truth and the power of love. So they propagated what they perceived to be the power of fear. But that power really is cowardice mixed with being small, and manipulations done by intimidation. So it can only resonate with you if you are in low frequency & vibration.


Now is the time for all of Humanity to make their choice of standing up to this evil and empowering themselves by being heart-centered, going against their imprints of the negative 3-D Matrix mind control programming, to free themselves from the shackles of lies, of fear & guilt mongering, and to feel this wholeness of being in each & every Now moment, Beloveds, to feel this joy of being here together, of knowing it is all One. And that we and all of Humanity are empowered Now, going through these different stages of integrating Ascension protocols, where Mentors, such as us, are providing the teachings necessary for this integration to accelerate Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet, to create these new societies based on the highest frequencies of love & light.


We are calling the children into the middle of our circle. We are honoring them. And yes, some of them have been rescued from Deep Underground Military Bases, from tunnels, where they were caged. They were made to be slaves and had heinous things done to them. We couldn’t love them any more than we already do because they knew what they were getting into. They knew they would be very young, terrorized, & traumatized. But they also knew that they were supported by the councils of Heaven, by all of us Ascended Masters & Angels of the Light. They are the heroes, along with the Peace Keepers who enabled them to come back onto the surface by adjusting them in med beds, talking to them, and allowing them to hug them, to cry, and to play it out. We can be there for each other at this time, Beloveds.


You are going to see that a kind word has no parallel. It is priceless in these situations. You are going to see the power of love made manifest because deep in your heart you know that it is the reason why you are here. We honor all of these children for empowering themselves with more strands of their DNA and carrying forth this equation of Ascension en masse by agreeing to carry forth the procreation of this species into the 5th Dimension & beyond. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


Beloveds, we love you ever so much. Namaste & Goodnite. Now Maria Magdalena will come in.




4-24-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena.


Beloveds, we ask you to consider acceptance what is happening on your Beloved Planet in a whole and positive way by shining the lovelight into your hearts, bringing it in. Allowing yourself to be connected into Creator-Source as a conduit into the Godhead. Making your intentional requirements to let go of all that does not resonate with you. Let go of your negative programming and allow yourself to be at zero point in the Now moment, and make yourself receptive to these high frequencies of love & light. And to accept how no one knows how these changes, how this shift into the light is going to happen.


All we ask you to do is to know deep within your being that everything is in divine rhythm, timing, & synchronization. You will not be disappointed at the outcomes here, no matter how bleak & dark things are looking for Humanity with the threats of war, bankruptcies looming on the horizon, all these different scenarios having to do with the power of cartels feeding the money supply of this Cabal all of the lies, tricks, & deceptions. Well, they are being exposed, and then there becomes this loud multitudinous sound of the voice of Humanity calling for accountability.


Yes, even those beings who have been propagating this evil with their Satanic rituals & practices, with their heinous disregard for the heart of Humanity, for the DNA of your species. They too are children of god, and they must be held accountable, and you know what the punishment for Treason is, and crimes against Humanity. This is why there are Military Tribunals, Beloveds, to make these assessments and carry out the sentences. It is not a happy thing, but it is a sobering thing to hold all those beings accountable and to send out this clarion call to all of Creation, that evil will not be tolerated in this Planet and this universe any longer.


This is what it is coming down to Beloveds, and you have been playing your parts magnificently. We are in mission with you. We continue to shine our love & light into your hearts, and we are asking you to radiate this love & light, to really know your power when you are in these high frequencies of love & light. Letting go of all worry, all low-vibration, of all doubts, just slowing yourself to be the love & light that you are. Radiate it, enjoy being at this Now moment where everything is shifting into the light, Beloveds.

We love you ever so much. And now my Beloved Twin Soul Sananda is going to come in.




4-24-24 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters. It is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be with you once again on this call.


Beloveds yes, you had another full moon, you have been through eclipse season, and you are feeling these high vibrational energies. Beloveds, the truth keeps on playing out. It is becoming so very obvious about who is lying and who is telling the Truth. Many people are finding themselves going through this conundrum of having to look at what they have believed all of their lives as the Truth.


And having to ask questions about what has changed. Why am I not feeling the same way? Why am I not feeling happy about voting the way that I did in the last election? Then this element of Truth comes in and asking themselves why there are so many lies that are happening. But who is telling the Truth? And what are the dynamics that are at play here?


Beloveds, the only way that any of you can discern the Truth is by being heart-centered. For many of these Beloved Beings, this is the first time that they have allowed themselves to be in a meditative state while being heart-centered. Yes, many of the Beloved Beings believe in the power of prayer.


But Beloveds, that is only half of the equation as we see it. Your intentional requirements can be called prayers, but that is the asking part. The receiving part is when you allow yourself to rise up in frequency & vibration and feel this love filling up your heart. And giving you the information, this feeling of joy, and all these higher attributes of being in the 5th Dimension and beyond.


This is where things start to make sense, Beloveds. Where you feel connected into those higher aspects of your being, your I AM Presence & Guidance Team. This is where your moral compass kicks in, and where you look at the information. You feel the frequency & vibration of the sound of these Beloved Beings talking, and espousing their Truth, and you’re going to find that you don’t resonate with all of them either in the Truther community.


But Beloveds, we ask you to truly remember & take into your hearts one thing, and that is the Truth will empower you in this place of Peace whereby you won’t feel fear. You won’t feel guilty. You will feel empowered with this Truth to create your own narrative that resonates with what you agreed to, with what you accept is necessary to bring about Ascension. Because deep within your being you know that this is the reason that you agreed to incarnate in this lifetime.


Now is the time when this shift is starting to happen at such an accelerated rate. Beloveds, my Mary’s come into the middle of your circle. They are offering you the Kumara roses. Each Kumara rose is a vessel of unconditional/universal love. They are blessed by all of us on the ships in high frequency & vibration and we honor you with them. Take them into your heart, as many as you like. Keep them in your heart in this place of knowingness, beingness, and accepting that this is the time that you came in for. And that you at the core essence of your being are unconditional/universal love, Beloveds.


Love is the strongest force in all of Creation. We ask you to accept this in your hearts. And to let go of all of the fear & separation-based programming, and transmute those energies into the highest frequencies of unconditional/universal love, compassion, forgiveness, & gratitude.


Namaste Beloveds. We love you ever so much. And Goodnite.



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