Receiving intense transformational insights for the upcoming 2025 Year of the Snake, filled with powerful energy and guidance from our ascension collective higher selves. This particular channeling experience was extremely intense, bringing in profound Universal knowledge and messages for our ascension.
There has been a distinct awareness in the Ascension collective, having raised planetary energies and frequencies on this planet. 2024 is already fading out, and 2025 energies are deeply focused on the true point of power, which is found in the Here and Now.
2025 is the Year of the Snake a time for Radical transformation, adaptation and resilience, snake-like traits will expand such as adaptability and confidence to face challenges head-on.
Letting go of negativity, cutting ties with those holding self back in any previous trauma bonds , and confidently pursuing personal goals without needing to justify transforming self to any one .
Snakes are highly independent and self sufficient, they are not co-dependent , this symbolism and energy ruling 2025 is urging the ascending to strengthen self sufficiency. To let go of more fears especially those that influenced life in the past. The snake year is preparing the ascending for the 2026 year of the Horse a year of inner power , outer self action , stamina , determination endurance , strength , commitment , The horse year has tremendous power on our planet and will bring into reality and manifestation the changes made in self awareness and transformation .
The snake is the symbol of rebirth, it must first shed its old skin. The snake in 2-3D matrix will highlight the deceptions , sneaky intentions , lies , illusions and old stories and cycles people are still choosing to live in , it will highlight who and what can be trusted and who and what can not be trusted . The snake is a reminder of the necessary work required within to change the structure in self and the outer structure in physical reality , the snake is mostly hidden , this in itself means that awareness and discernment moving forward in life will highlight and strengthen.
The ascending’s focus this year is to discern who and what is real and who and what is not , to avoid the poisonous and deadly bites coming from those residing in the absence of light , those in lower consciousness .
This snake energy will test many ascending who have raised their conscious knowing , the snake representation is to develop trust in self’s own abilities to discern what to trust in others and the outer world , The snake energies will highlight both Truth and False hoods , to further discern preferred conscious reality .
2025 is about shedding the entire old skin , Delving deeper into the internal shadow work to release what no longer serves the higher chosen path , it’s about embracing personal Conscious growth. The snake symbol representation of this year will reveal what all types of connections and relationships are built on , many may find them selves confronted by others negativity this year , the mirror reflecting in self , revealing what is still out of self alignment . Snakes will always maintain an air of mystery, as they independently walk with confidence in life.
Snakes are naturally in alignment in order for them to express their true self embodiment, snake energies will highlight misalignment in self , others and the world at large , the self can never attract what it is not in a vibrational alignment with , snake energies will reveal the worlds and people’s true intentions.
In the Year of the Snake in 2025, it will be extremely crucial to trust wisely . The importance of discernment will be strongly highlighted, the importance of knowing comes from reading energies, reading true intentions, understanding that words can be just that , the ascending naturally emit innocence and will be on the alert this year, protecting their open and healed heart space , while remaining loving yet cautious amongst those not embodying the same light minded attributes, essence and qualities . This year will highlight the many species on this planet , their purpose and seeded intentions.
Keep an open yet cautious heart. Being mindful of who we let into life , maintaining healthy boundaries to protect self’s ascending energies . Thought form manifestations will come into physical reality this year ~ this is why It will be important for the ascending to establish trust in self , including trusting in what thoughts , intentions etc they bring in , ensuring prioritising well-being to avoid being overly vulnerable to the misaligned .
Self’s intuitive body will become extra sensitive this year , Primal instincts will amplify to higher conscious levels especially when navigating connections , relationships and situations throughout the year.
The element of the Snake is in Wood , this brings opportunities for the ascending to now build a solid structure in new earth conscious living . Until May of this year there is amplified manifesting opportunities for the internal conscious work and changes made in self. The ascending are being promoted in earths new conscious energy , this will create many internal and external changes This snake year will reveal what’s really within self and this makes believing for a better self and world to become possible.
The snake year energies bring in to reality what self has previously worked on manifesting .
The ascending in 2025 are walking fearlessly, ready to overcome any obstacles on the path to seize new earth opportunities with a stronger sense of self determination , This is now about accepting your own inner Ruler , confidently navigating the year ahead and confronting any challenges with a sense of self purpose , accomplishment and overall victory .
A great deal of quiet and private progress will be made in 2025 with the help of much higher planetary ascension energies.
Honouring this transformational beginning every day with a positive and truthful mindset , keeping thoughts based in earths new reality consciousness . Many ascending will reach 5D conscious embodiment , true self expression in new earth conscious living 2025- 2026 .
This year the ascending are cognising and integrating into their higher conscious power . There will be no stopping their higher and true potential on this planet as they prepare to fully express the higher self in human form embodiment by 2026.
In Loving and Devoted Ascension ServiceBy Ascension LightWorkers