My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters it is I, Sekhmet. I am with you once again. I am very happy to be here tonight.
Beloveds yes, you are feeling something is about to happen that will be very big on your Beloved Planet. We concur with the same thing. We say to you Beloveds that no matter what false flag events are perpetrated upon Humanity and Beloved Mother Gaia by this Cabal they will not win. The plans have been put in place. All the pieces of this 5-D chess game have been played out to perfection by the White Hats.
Many on your Beloved Planet do not realize the spiritual aspects of this war against the Cabal, who are these Satanists. They have controlled your reality and enslaved you for millennia upon millennia. We take this love & light into our hearts and we multiply it back out to you Beloveds. We shine it out to your hearts. You have been working to make this change, to make this transformation
In previous lifetimes you were dealing with being in a state of amnesia. When your brains progress into the age of reason, then into puberty, and being a young adult when you have to deal with the institutions of duality when you went to college or working jobs and moved away from your family, whatever you choose to do at that time when you go out on your own and finding your way, Beloveds.
Then at some point, you spiritually awakened, and it became clearer and clearer, and each 7-year cycle of time you began to see patterns emerge with the tests and challenges that were the ever-present hurdles for you to overcome.
Now with this Event of the Truth you are going to see in the macrocosm of what Humanity has been through these thousands upon thousands of years of coming to this place of enabling your gifts and talents so that you would once again have your original Adam Kadmon blueprint.
Beloveds, this is all going to plan because as you the tip of the spear, the way-showers of Humanity have been through these things Humanity has the potential to go through this Event of the Truth because you will feel the revelations in your heart when you see the lies, tricks, and deceits that have been found in low vibration and you will understand how the 3-D Matrix negative mind control programming has been aligned with this to keep you small to continuously enslave you in these low vibrational thought patterns in behaviors that do not serve you.
Beloveds let us join together. Me, bi-locating my paw out to each and every one of you, and I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call to form our circle with. Now we are sending this energy around from heart to heart, from soul to soul, rising in frequency & vibration allowing ourselves to feel this Oneness in the Now moment.
We are calling in the rays of energy. We are calling in the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, The Diamond Lights, The Platinum ray of Lord Metatron, Arc Angel Michael, and all of his legions of Angels using their Blazing Blue Swords as lasers, Arc Angel Amethyst, and the Angels of the Violet Flame, and St Germain and his Angels of the Violet Torch.
Now we are spiraling clockwise from the center above, into your crown, into your central column of energy, through your high heart center, out the soles of your feet, down through your center below, underneath the surface of the Planet, and into Beloved Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core.
We are feeling her love, wisdom, and kindness, and her commitment to all living beings on your Planet for Ascension en masse to transpire as you are in this window of opportunity for the completion of Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet.
We love her for all she is, all she does, and how she holds these energies day after day for us to carry on in this mission of bringing Ascension en masse to completion in divine rhythm, timing, and synchronization with her.
We are rising onto the surface, through our center below, through the soles of our feet, through our high heart center, into our crown. Spiraling now from our center above to our center below. We require the speed, efficiency, and accuracy that all of the movements of this clockwise spinning spiral lift us up rapidly, through all of the layers of atmospheres. Now, we are coming upon the periphery of your solar system where there are multitudes of ships. I am honing in on my Beloved ship, the Nibiru.
We are opening the landing deck in the belly of the ship. We are rising through, hovering in the airlock, as the landing deck closes beneath us. Now, Beloveds, it is safe to touchdown. We are making our way to an open elevator. All of us are getting in. I am closing the door, and pushing the button to take us rapidly to the top floor where our Crystalline Healing Room is.
We are feeling the energies of the Nibiru. We are feeling the energies of the crew of the Nibiru, who are once again with us in meditation tonight. We honor them, we love them for being with us, for having understood what we are doing in these meditations, and for them feeling it, and then responding to the feeling by being a part of the meditations.
Now we are coming to a gentle stop. I am opening up the door. The Mentors are here to greet us, Angels, and Ascended Masters, Commanders from the ships, Orbs who represent the bilocated consciousness of many Beloved Beings from many ships and many Planets all over the Cosmos, and your ancestors and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.
We are moving through the crowd into the middle of this gigantic room. We are forming a circle around the Altar where our Master Crystal sets, as we do this the Mentors form a circle around us, and all of the other Beloved Beings form their circles. We are sending our love & light through our circle, through the Mentor’s circle, and through all of the outer circles.
We are spiraling clockwise from the floor to the walls, to the ceiling. We are absorbing all of these high frequencies of the 5th Dimension and beyond represented in all of the crystals that comprise this healing room. We are also feeling and absorbing the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings who represent all of the higher dimensions, either onsite or bilocating to us from all over the Cosmos.
We are feeling this Oneness with the joy of being together in high frequency & vibration. Beloveds, on this call, this is where we ask you to make your intentional requirements for what you want to create with the energies of this meditation tonight in your own personal journeys. It could have to do with you allowing yourself to stop every time you feel you are being attacked with negative thoughts, and that the energies want to trigger you into being in low vibration. Then you breathe into your heart and feel the power of love to be re-ignited once again to enable you to rise up in frequency & vibration. Whatever it is Beloveds, send these intentional requirements into the Master Crystal.
For all of us on this meditation tonight, we call for Peace, we call for harmony amongst all of Humanity with Beloved Mother Gaia, with all of her kingdoms as more & more of the Truth comes out, and when you have this Event of the Truth with these movies that show what has been going on, on your Beloved Planet for hundreds of thousands of years, that you will feel compassion heart to heart, and soul to soul, to empower Humanity, to be in this Oneness and rise in frequency & vibration continuously to deny them feeding off of you. You have been the food source of this Cabal. And now you will remove them from your Planet for evermore Beloveds.
Shine these intentional requirements into the Master Crystal. Shooting them up through its tip, through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. Now descending through the many layers of atmospheres and coming upon the periphery of your Beloved Mother Gaia.
Now we are touching down on the surface. We are shining our love & light into each & every heart and mind of Humanity. We are calling upon them to let go of the way they have been programmed to think they are limited as one-dimensional beings on the 3rd Dimension in the density of duality at odds with their true divine sovereign nature each & every day. We are telling them now the 5th Dimension is here and they can rise in frequency & vibration continuously to meet these tests and challenges and clear all these polarities that they came in with, and that they are clearing not just their own polarities, but their whole bloodlines, and that they are doing it altogether with us because we are all One on this meditation. There are on-world and off-world white hats, Beloveds. We are part of this.
Now, you are getting into that place of overdrive as you call it. Shifting the gears into high-frequency & vibration where more & more of the Truth comes out about how this Cabal has enslaved you, how they have stolen your money and put curses and spells with their black magic upon you to limit your consciousness, to have you continuously deal with fear & separation in your imprints. Now we are disassembling this 3-D Matrix negative mind control programming, fractalizing and disincorporating it from all underneath the surface, onto the surface through the psyches of all of Humanity, clearing all of the institutions of Humanity, including the governments, all forms of politics, the banking system, education, the healthcare insurance, etc.
As we disincorporate all these control structures, that have been perverted by the machinations of the Cabal with the 3-D Matrix negative mind control programming. We are envisioning many scenes counter-clockwise spiraling with negative energy, anything that may re-generate this 3-D Matrix negative mind control programming. All of the filters, obstructions, residues, debris, containers, and stray encoding, suctioning them off your Beloved Planet with this huge counter-clockwise spinning vortex, shooting all of these polarities through the many layers of atmospheres, and off into the ethers, where they are transmuted into the highest frequencies of love & light.
We are seeing all these members of the Satanic Cults that comprise this Cabal being served with indictments for their crimes against Humanity and/or for Treason. They are being taken off to Military Tribunals where their cases are heard, and they are sentenced, these sentences are carried out, and then they are removed from your Beloved Planet.
Then Humanity strives to preserve the integrity of your new 5th Dimensional Timeline now that the 3-D Matrix has been removed. Beloveds, this is where the advanced technologies come in. This is where you create your new societies on this new 5th Dimensional Timeline, and you continuously feel the higher attributes of being in the 5th Dimension.
Beloveds, we are calling in the Children into the middle of our circle. We are shining our love & light into their hearts. They are the brave souls who have come in at this time to carry forth the momentum through this new 5th Dimensional Timeline to procreate Humanity, to save Humanity from being taken over by the Cabal’s transhumanist cyborg agenda. They came in with more strands of their DNA activated. We are shining our love & light into their hearts to tell them we are with them every step of the way, and that this Victory of the Light over evil is playing out where we are the victors using compassion, and that all of the Universal Laws are integrated into these later stages of assimilation of higher light encodements to accelerate Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet and to bring it into completion in divine rhythm, timing, and synchronization. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.
Beloveds on this call, we love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnite. Now Maria Magdalena will come in.
2-19-25 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla
My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be on this call with all of you once again tonight, Beloveds.
We are in this moment of time where this shift into the light reaches its saturation point where all of you Beloveds have the opportunity to be in the 5th Dimension, to see the power of love being made manifest on your Beloved Planet.
When you see what this Cabal has really been doing in all of these thousands upon thousands of years they have been running the show on Beloved Mother Gaia because they have controlled the money systems on your Beloved Planet. They have been the instigators of war continuously to make themselves more powerful, and they are the ones who have been conducting Black Magic in doing ritual Satanic sacrifices, adrenochrome harvesting, and all these heinous deeds to control Humanity to spread the illusion that their Satanic deities are superior or equal to Creator-Source. Well, all of this is a lie, beloveds, because they cannot be in the 5th Dimension, and you as the root of your DNA, the core essence of your being are a 5th-dimensional species.
They have done everything imaginable to strip you of your powers, to mutate your DNA, to keep you locked down in this illusion of fear & separation. It hasn’t worked because the Councils of Heaven issued this clarion call. You volunteered and here you are. This Cabal is ever so close to being taken out of your reality, to being exposed as the bullies, liars, and cheats, all of their scandals, never to return.
That is why you came in. That is why you volunteered because you knew that together you could all make this difference and enable Beloved Mother Gaia to Ascend. She has been the warrior of the light for thousands, of millions, and billions of years. Now we as One in mission with all of you Beloveds are in this Victory of the Light over evil.
We continuously shine our love & light into your hearts, ever so glad that we are here in One mission, in One consciousness with you to defeat these forces of evil. Beloveds, we feel that they didn’t have a chance because this power of love supersedes anything that they could imagine doing to stay in power.
You are at that point where Humanity, and even the ones who have not yet fully awakened are seeing these behavior patterns emerge of dealing with accusations of how they have controlled the reality, and how they have advanced their ulterior motives and secret agendas based in lies, tricks, deceptions, & secrets that they have held against Humanity.
They don’t even tell you about the glory and the splendor of Atlantis, Lemuria, and Mu, Beloveds. You will have access to your Akashic Records when you have Ascended, and this Beloveds is not so far away. It is a step-by-step progression in enabling you to go through these different stages of integrating Ascension protocols so that this Ascension en masse happens in divine rhythm, timing, and synchronization, bringing you to the divine perfection of who you really are.
Beloveds, we love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnite. Now my Twin Soul Sananda will come in.
2-19-25 Sananda by Eli Galla
My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I’m very happy to be on this call once again tonight.
Beloveds, yes, you are in this progression of the Truth being revealed of these patterns emerging where you see the levels of corruption that have played out on your Beloved Planet. How in the United States these taxed monies have been conscripted into the pockets of the members of this Cabal to do these black ops missions, secret space programs, child and Human trafficking, to bribe officials, all of these different levels of corruption.
Now it is coming out and now even the staunch believers in the rhetoric of this Cabal with the Mainstream Media being its spokesperson. They are starting to say, “Hey, this doesn’t make any sense.”
Why do they have to keep on ripping us off? What are they doing at that moment? Compassion comes in, Beloveds. And more so, as Maria says, when you have this Event of the Truth. You are going to see the patterns play out for hundreds of thousands of years of how you have been enslaved. When at least one of these races of off-worlders came onto your Beloved Planet. They had all of the information in the data of their Artificial Intelligence from all over the Cosmos that enabled them to see how you were susceptible to which programs of control systems and black magic.
They were able to wear you down by creating false flag events even way back when particularly around this time of the last fall of Atlantis. That is where we see your DNA being mutated, and you merging the power that you had of being in the 5th Dimension,
But now because of your meditations and intentional requirements, the love in your heart that you express each and every day with your loved ones, with your friends, and complete strangers, and using your intentional requirements when you are praying, meditating, or just letting go singing your song, dancing, and being in the Now moment, being in nature. Allowing an increased inner flow of energy to let you rise above your fear & separation-based imprints, Beloveds.
You are indomitable because you are the vessels of love & light radiantly shining throughout all of Creation, Beloveds, there is no space and time. We know that you can’t completely wrap your mind around that concept, but in the coming days of your Ascension mode of understanding you will see this, and then the light will be turned on forevermore, Beloveds. In your Ascensions, on this Beloved beautiful Planet.
My Mary’s come into the middle of your circle, Beloveds. They offer you the Kumara roses. Take as many as you like. They are of the highest frequencies of color, sound, and light. They are a symbol of our love for one another, of being in mission together to defeat these forces of evil, to allow your spiritual evolution of achieving Ascension en masse on Beloved Mother Gaia.
We love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnite